Hello All,
I'm using the K60 part and have a project created in CW10.1 using Processor Expert. I can
load and execute the program from internal RAM. Whwn I change the debugger to
use the internal FLASH version, the code still loads into RAM, 0x1FFFXXXX.
How do I get CW to generate code that will load into the FLASH?
For changing debug type of code memory to Flash it is necessary to change "Configurations" in project (of INTERNAL_RAM to INTERNAL_FLASH).
Steps for changing the configurations:
1. Right click on "INTERNAL_FLASH" in “Configuration” folder tree in project.
2. In pop-up menu select the "Select configuration as active".
3. Right click on "ProcessorExpert.pe" folder tree in project and in pop-up menu select "Build configurations" -> "Set active" -> "XXX_INTERNAL_FLASH". This action selects active CPU from available “CPUs” in project tree configured to run code from FLASH memory.
4. Generate Processor Expert code.
5. Build project (Click on "Project" in Eclipse menu -> click on "Build project").
6. Click on "Run" in eclipse menu and select "Debug Configurations…" -> In window click on "CodeWarrior Download" in tree -> select project configuration "XXXX_INTENAL_FLASH_YYYY" -> click on "Debug" button.
7. Now it’s possible to debug your code from FLASH memory.
Best Regards,
Jiri Rezler
Processor Support Team