I am trying to program a KL16 via the Multilink. It worked fine, but then it shows the "Device is secure.Erase to unsecure". I keep pressing Yes. AFter doing this twice the "Multilink" not connected is shown. There was another board that was doing the same. But, its now, surprisingly working,except this 1 board.
I tried the Processor halt utility. Still no luck.Uninstalled/installed PE drivers. No luck.
Also, no where in the code have I modified that register (FTFA_FOPT or any such dangerous registers:)
Kindly give me some suggestions.
Best regards,
Hi Yusup Khan,
There are two bits in register FTFA_FSEC (MEEN[5:4]) which enables and disables the mass erase capability of flash memory. Register will load value from address 0x40c when starting up.
So, if you disable the mass erase and secure the chip, then, this chip can not re-program anymore.
If you are not in such case, then, I would suggest try another Multilink to see if it works!
and you can also try a j-link, please refer to:
hope it helps!