Attempting to access RFVBAT->REG[0] hard faults my K22 (with KSDK 2.4.1).
I've used the VBAT register file before on previous designs with different Kinetis parts (KL27). I know it is supported by the K22 from the reference manual.
The only difference is my current design doesn't have VBAT connected but that should still allow me to read/write the register (and see that values are not preserved). I read in "Kinetis Quick Reference User Guide, Rev. 3, 05/2014" section that "If VBAT supply is not present, then accesses to the RTC registers may not occur and could result in a core-lockup type reset in the MCU.", is the same true for the VBAT register file RFVBAT?
I've tried accessing the first 32-bit register directly and via the REG[8] array. Both hard fault.
// from MK22F51212.h
typedef struct {
__IO uint32_t REG[8];
} RFVBAT_Type;
#define RFVBAT_BASE (0x4003E000u)
#define VBAT_REG (*((unsigned int*)RFVBAT_BASE))
uint32_t vbat_reg()
RFVBAT_Type *base = RFVBAT;
uint8_t reg = 0;
uint32_t val;
val = VBAT_REG;
val = base->REG[reg];
return val;
已解决! 转到解答。
Hi Lucas
Attempted access to RTC registers using VBAT will result in a hard fault if the VBAT is below its threshold (or not present).
See the following: How to detect if VBAT supply is present for RTC to work?
In the uTasker project the following is used to test VBAT presence in operation to avoid needing to recover from a hard fault when the battery is not present, is removed during operation or its voltage drops below its lower limit. [A DMA read failure is easy to recover from]
unsigned long ulRegCopy;
POWER_UP_ATOMIC(6, RTC); // ensure the RTC is powered
if (DMA_ERROR_OCCURRED == fnConfigDMA_buffer(4, 0, sizeof(ulRegCopy), (void *)RTC_BLOCK, &ulRegCopy, (DMA_DIRECTION_INPUT | DMA_LONG_WORDS | DMA_SINGLE_CYCLE | DMA_FIXED_ADDRESSES | DMA_SW_TRIGGER_WAIT_TERMINATION), 0, 0)) { // configure the transfer, start and wait for termination
// RTC cannot be accessed - probably due to missing VBAT voltage
// - avoid RTC access
else {
// ulRegCopy has the present RTC_TSR content, meaning that the RTC could be accessed
fnStartRTC(0); // start the RTC if it isn't yet operating
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Hi Lucas
Attempted access to RTC registers using VBAT will result in a hard fault if the VBAT is below its threshold (or not present).
See the following: How to detect if VBAT supply is present for RTC to work?
In the uTasker project the following is used to test VBAT presence in operation to avoid needing to recover from a hard fault when the battery is not present, is removed during operation or its voltage drops below its lower limit. [A DMA read failure is easy to recover from]
unsigned long ulRegCopy;
POWER_UP_ATOMIC(6, RTC); // ensure the RTC is powered
if (DMA_ERROR_OCCURRED == fnConfigDMA_buffer(4, 0, sizeof(ulRegCopy), (void *)RTC_BLOCK, &ulRegCopy, (DMA_DIRECTION_INPUT | DMA_LONG_WORDS | DMA_SINGLE_CYCLE | DMA_FIXED_ADDRESSES | DMA_SW_TRIGGER_WAIT_TERMINATION), 0, 0)) { // configure the transfer, start and wait for termination
// RTC cannot be accessed - probably due to missing VBAT voltage
// - avoid RTC access
else {
// ulRegCopy has the present RTC_TSR content, meaning that the RTC could be accessed
fnStartRTC(0); // start the RTC if it isn't yet operating
Complete Kinetis solutions, training and support:
Kinetis K22:
RTC and time keeping: