I am have issues with implementing an AD measurement with the FRDM-KE06Z. Here is my code to start the measurement that I have placed within a app_Init method that is called from main along with SPI and GPIO Init (those seem to be working fine):
AD1device = AD1_Init((LDD_TUserData *)NULL);
AD1_measurement[0]=1; /*Used to confirm the value is being displayed*/
measure_count = 0; /*incremented in OnMeasureComplete*/
LDD_TError Error;
Error = AD1_SelectSampleGroup(AD1device, 0U); /*Select sample group 0*/
Error = AD1_StartLoopMeasurement(AD1device); /*Start continuous measurement*/
In Events.c I have:
void AD1_OnMeasurementComplete(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr)
/* Write your code here ... */
LDD_TError Error;
Error = AD1_GetMeasuredValues(UserDataPtr, (LDD_TData *)AD1_measurement);
The rest of my AD code is as generated by Processor Expert for the ADC_LDD component.
I am displaying the AD1_measurement and a measure_count on an LCD, and they never change from what I set them at. I have confirmed if I change the values manually in code, the display shows the new values as expected. So the problem is not with my display functions. This tells me that the Ad1_OnMeasureComplete within Event.c is never entered. Otherwise I would at least see measure_count update on my display.
Is there something I am doing wrong to start the measurement? What are some other things that I should check?
The this I am trying to read the output from an AD595 thermocouple amplifier IC. I have measured the output from the AD595 at room temperature at around 200 mV which should equate to 20 C.
Hi Thomas:
Since you use pe to generate code, you should enable interrupt for ADC.
If ADC finish the measure, but interrupt is not enabled, the AD1_OnMeasurementComplete can’t enter, which is called in ADC_ISR
Dawei You(尤大为)