localhost:3333: The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive. Failed to execute MI command

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localhost:3333: The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive. Failed to execute MI command

Contributor II

This is my first time using the FRDM-K22F and the Kinetis Design Studio. I  followed the instructions in the online video for Get Started with FRDM-K22F Development Platform - How To located at:




Following the instructions in the video, I installed the following applications in the order suggested in the video:


KSDK v1.3.0 Mainline release for Windows

Kinetis Design Studio 3.2.0

KSDK 1.3.0 Eclipse Update

Virtual COM Port Driver mbedWinSerial_16466

TeraTerm connected to mbed Serial Port (COM3) with the correct port settings (115200, 8N1, none)


I'm using a Windows 10 computer with a connected FRDM-K22F. The FRDM-K22F is brand new but apparently an older one that flashed the RGB LED at initial startup (no bubble level). I can see the FRDM-K22F in Windows Explorer as "MBED" and I can successfully follow the link "mbed.htm".


After installing the Eclipse Update, the Kinetis IDE restarted and the list of supported processors updated and I successfully compiled Kinetis SDK Platform Library for the K22F from:




I then successfully imported and built the Hello World demo from:




When I try to download the Debug Configuration of hello_world_frdmk22f from GDB OpenOCD Debugging/hello_world_frdmk22f debug cmsis dap to the K22F flash, I get the following error message:


Error in final launch sequence

Failed to execute MI command:

-target-select remote localhost:3333

Error message from debugger back end:

localhost:3333: The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive.

Failed to execute MI command:

-target-select remote localhost:3333

Error message from debugger back end:

localhost:3333: The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive.

localhost:3333: The system tried to join a drive to a directory on a joined drive.


KDS never enters the debug mode. I tried using two different USB ports, two different USB cables and I tried resetting the K22F several times. I also tried restarting Kinetis Design Studio and I confirmed that -f kinetis.cfg is present.


Can anyone suggest a solution to this problem?


Update #1: I installed the software on a second computer that had a clean install of Windows 10 and only MS Office. I got the same error message.


I believe Tera Term is communicating with the K22F because every time I type a character the YLW LED next to the USB connector flashes.

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4 Replies

Contributor II

Hi Erich,

Thank you for helping! I haven't got a Segger J-Link connected yet, although that's the next step. I was only using the K22F to get started in the simplest configuration possible before moving on. I thought this was likely to be the easier configuration to initially get up and running with. I plan to try both the Segger J-Link and the Keil ULINK2 to see which one I like more.

Here's a little more information, after the error message, the Console contains the following:

This GDB was configured as "--host=i686-w64-mingw32 --target=arm-none-eabi"

Here is the contents of the Debugger Tab:


Since the symptoms are the same on two computers, one relatively clean, the problem seems systemic. It would seem that the most obvious causes could be:

  1. Mistake in online instructions (seems unlikely)
  2. Bug in KDS (seems too obvious to excape detection earlier)
  3. I followed the instructions incorrectly
  4. A problem with the K22F. I wonder if I should try re-flashing it?

Could a problem like this be caused by a Virus Scanner or a firewall? I have McAfee Multi-Access - Total Protection Installed

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Sheldon,

To me, OpenOCD did not run well. I recommend that you use either the P&E or Segger firmware: they work and are much faster too: https://mcuoneclipse.com/2014/11/01/illustrated-step-by-step-instructions-updating-the-freescale-fre...


Contributor II

Erich, you are right! I just had the same problem and flashed my board with the Segger firmware. Everything works again and much faster too. Not sure why OpenOCD stopped working for me, but J-Link is definitely the way to go.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Sheldon,

can you check if you have the checkbox for 'start server locally' enabled (see https://mcuoneclipse.com/2016/04/13/fix-for-gdb-and-the-system-tried-to-join-a-drive-to-a-directory-... )?

I hope this helps,


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