Part of my current K64F project using Kinetis Design Studio under Ubuntu is written in C++, where it uses syntax available since c++14.
I tried a few things, for example:
-- properties -> cross arm c++ compiler -> optimization -> language standard -> next gnu iso c++ (-std=gnu++1y)
-- properties -> c/c++ genereal -> preprocessor include paths, macros, etc. -> providers -> cdt gcc built in... -> add "-std=c++14" without quotation marks at the end of the "command to get compiler specs" line
--g++5 installed
But I still get compile errors. The compiler does not recognize the new language standard. Where do I have to change the setting?
Best regard and thanks,
I use KDS for windows but I can't reproduce your issue.
Can you please specify your steps of below with screenshot?
-- properties -> c/c++ genereal -> preprocessor include paths, macros, etc. -> providers -> cdt gcc built in... -> add "-std=c++14" without quotation marks at the end of the "command to get compiler specs" line
--g++5 installed
can you send me the screenshot of error message?
Best Regards,