I have been experimenting with various ways of creating KDS Projects (File-New-Create KDS Project) and would like to better understand what the resultant project is using as the Run-Time.
In all cases we pick a Project Name and files location followed by the board (or processor, but let's just stick to Supported FSL Boards)
All the choices I lists below are on the "Rapid Application Development" page
Kinetis Software Development Kit
On the RAD page there are two major choices "Kinetis SDK" and "Processor Expert"
I am assuming (maybe incorrectly) that if I do not enable the SDK then I am not taking advantage of the bulk of the new features and I might as well be using generic Eclipse.
With that said, here are the various configurations I have been looking at
1) Kinetis SDK - Enabled, Processor Expert Disabled
This appears to setup processor define and include paths to use the SDK
There is no extra hand holding wrt API
There are no OSA functions (OS Abstraction layer)
This appears to be bare metal unless you manually add an RTOS, such as MQX 4 or another RTOS of your choice
2) KSDK Enabled, PE Enabled
Again processor define and SDK include paths added
Processor Expert provides access to SDK components
Component Browser exposes documentation to the APIs available
osa1:fsl_os_abstration (os=Bare Metal)
OS_Task if added as well as others
This appears to be SDK with the OSA run-time
3) KSDK Enabled, PE Enabled, osa.OS=MQX_KSDK
Same as #2 but with the os=MQX_KSDK the osa1 component includes a range a Lightweight MQX functions
This appears to be the SDK with MQX-Lite - Is that Correct?
This level of integration is very nice and I hope as the product grows this will be extended to allow selection of various MQX features, such as lwip or RTCS
I have included a lot of information here from my observations and I am looking for confirmation of these impressions.
Hi Tom,
Thank you for the feedback and your interest in Freescale products. I think your assumptions are right, I will try to explain each case briefly to give you a better understanding.
1) Kinetis SDK - Enabled, Processor Expert Disabled: In this case the KSDK drivers are used, you can see the list of modules and drivers in the Kinetis SDK v.x.x API Reference Manual that is present in the doc folder in the KSDK installation path. This options uses just the KSDK drivers and there is no graphic configuration for the peripherals.
2) KSDK Enabled, PE Enabled: In this case the KSDK drivers are also used but the peripheral configurations are done by the graphic interface of Processor expert. Then you can add components and configure them using the graphic solutions. When writing your application you need to refer to the KSDK drivers and use them. While you do not add any OS Component to your project it will be a Bare Metal project but you always have the option to add a OS to your project.
3) KSDK Enabled, PE Enabled, osa.OS=MQX_KSDK: This is like you mentioned the same as the Case 2 but with a OS included, in this case MQX.
Refer to this post that will be very helpful for you.
Tutorial: FreeRTOS with the Kinetis SDK and Processor Expert | MCU on Eclipse
If you have further questions do not hesitate to ask.
Hope this information can help you.
Best Regards,
Adrian Sanchez Cano
Technical Support Engineer
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