KL03 is on the list of supported devices in KDS 3.0.0, but I tried to create a project targeting that chip and could not — from the L series, only the KL02, KL04 and KL05 were in the "New Project" dialog.
Is KL03 supported?
I just checked my KDS3.0, KL03 is supported
can you please check if you have same on your side? if not, please go to KDS3.0 manual "help", "install new software" to install the update.
can this help you?
Have a great day,
Zhang Jun
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Ok, I figured it out. It turns out that no, KL03 is not supported in KDS 3.0.0. But if you install the update that comes with the Kinetis SDK, then it becomes supported.
The default KDS 3.0.0 installation shows:
I really wish Freescale invested more time into making the tools simpler to install and understand. I've spent quite a bit of time recently figuring out what combinations of software I need to install, in what order, from where, just to get started. The expected flow as I understand it is:
Not good.