Hello All-
New to KDS and the Kinetis ecosystem but very experienced with Cortex controllers and Eclipse-based IDEs...
I've just installed KDS on both Windows 7 and Ubuntu 14.04, followed by the KSDK using the Eclipse "Install New Software..." mechanism on both OSs. In both cases, when creating a new KDS Project, the Kinetis SDK option remains grayed out.
I followed the instructions in the KDS release notes, including restarting Eclipse (and, just to be sure, both machines) - is there anything else that needs to be done?
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the SDK supports only few processors. Which one did you try?
I expect you:
1) installed KDS
2) installed KSDK
3) installed the eclipse update from KSDK folder (KSDK_1.0.0\tools\eclipse_update\SDK_1.0.0-GA_Update_for_Eclipse.zip)
the SDK supports only few processors. Which one did you try?
I expect you:
1) installed KDS
2) installed KSDK
3) installed the eclipse update from KSDK folder (KSDK_1.0.0\tools\eclipse_update\SDK_1.0.0-GA_Update_for_Eclipse.zip)