Usually when you select "build automatically", the IDE will build when you click the hammer icon, or right click on the project and click build, and then I can launch a debug session and go straight into the session.
However, when I build a project in KDS3.2.0 and then debug, it goes and builds the project AGAIN when I press the debug button.
Is there any way around this? Is it a known bug?
I don't want to select "disable auto-build" because then when I've gone and made a change to something at a point in the future, and go back into a debug session to check if it's fixed a software bug, it will look like the bug hasn't been fixed. What I want is to only build the project IF there have been changes OR the project is not built.
There is an Eclipse workspace setting to 'build automatically before debug', see So if you deselect this, then it will not do a build before debug.
You might check if the 'refresh policy' is set correctly (I have seen SDK example projects with wrong settings), see . If this is wrong, then the build will do always a full build instead of an incremental build, so this might be worthwile checking.
I hope this helps,
Hi Erich,
yes, my project was set to build automatically before launch, but your second part is what fixed it. So yes, I had the FRDM_K64F_Test project listed under the refresh policy. Deleting this and selecting the project fixed my problem. Thanks again for useful help :smileyhappy: