.ARP File Error

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.ARP File Error

Contributor I

I am trying to load a build to a new board with a K-64.  When I download it to the target, I get the following *.ARP error.  Has anyone run into this and more importantly, how do I fix this error?

I was able to get this to download succefully on a TWR board, and the build has been loaded onto another custom board with the same configuration as the one  currently using.  I am using a PE Micro, Multilink Universal for downloading....


Any information would be really helpful and appreciated....




Loading programming algorithm ...

Error loading .ARP file : C:\Freescale\KDS_2.0.0\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_1.1.8.201411191655\win32\gdi\P&E\k64fn1m0m12_pflash_pipeline.arp at address 20000000

Error loading programming algorithm - load aborted.

Error occured during Flash programming





Full Output:

P&E GDB Server, Version

Copyright 2014, P&E Microcomputer Systems Inc, All rights reserv

Loading library C:\Freescale\KDS_2.0.0\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_1.1.8.201411191655\win32\gdi\unit_ngs_arm_internal.dll ... Done.

Command line arguments: -device=K64FN1M0M12 -startserver -singlesession -serverport=7224 -interface=USBMULTILINK -speed=5000 -usejtag -port=USB1 -USE_CYCLONEPRO_RELAYS=0 -FORCE_MASS_ERASE=0

Device selected is k64fn1m0m12

User Specified Hardware Selection : Interface=USBMULTILINK and Port=USB1

Connecting to target.

P&E Interface detected - Flash Version 6.10

Device is K64FN1M0M12.

Mode is In-Circuit Debug.

'Kinetis' is a registered trademark of Freescale.

(C)opyright 2012, P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. (www.pemicro.com)

API version is 101

Server running on

Connection from "" via

Copyright 2012 P&E Microcomputer Systems,Inc

Command Line :C:\Freescale\KDS_2.0.0\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_1.1.8.201411191655\win32\pegdbserver_console -device=K64FN1M0M12 -startserver -singlesession -serverport=7224 -interface=USBMULTILINK -speed=5000 -usejtag -port=USB1 -USE_



Target has been RESET and is active.

CMD>CM C:\Freescale\KDS_2.0.0\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_1.1.8.201411191655\win32\gdi\P&E\k64fn1m0m12_pflash_pipeline.arp



;version 1.01, 11/11/2013, Copyright P&E Microcomputer Systems, www.pemicro.com [mk64_1024k_n_pflash0_pflash1_pipeline]

;device freescale, k64fn1m0m12, 1x32x256k, desc=pflash_pipeline

;begin_cs device=$00000000, length=$00100000, ram=$20000000

Loading programming algorithm ...

Error loading .ARP file : C:\Freescale\KDS_2.0.0\eclipse\plugins\com.pemicro.debug.gdbjtag.pne_1.1.8.201411191655\win32\gdi\P&E\k64fn1m0m12_pflash_pipeline.arp at address 2000000

Error loading programming algorithm - load aborted.

Error occured during Flash programming.

PE-ERROR: Error downloading to the device.


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3 Replies

Contributor II

I also had a similar issue, but I figured it out. (I'm using an eval board with an on-board PEMicro debugging chip) The micro-USB cable which plugs into the eval board CAN'T be plugged into some USB hubs. Debugging the eval board WON’T work when the cable is plugged into:

• Anker 4-to-1 USB type-A hub
• DELL docking station (in my case, this one: https://www.cpumedics.com/dell-k20a001-wd19tb-k20a001-k20a-wd19-thunderbolt-docking-station-with-180...)

It WILL work with:
• Dell USB-A/HDMI to USB-C hub (https://www.amazon.com/Dell-Type-C-Type-Adapter-Component/dp/B08YW13SG3)
• USB-C to USB-A direct adapter
• Of course, plugging straight into a USB-A port directly on the laptop

My problem is that my new laptop only has USB-C ports on it, so I've got a few adapters/hubs to support all the USB-A connections I have. Thankfully I thought to try another one.

Hope this helps someone!

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Contributor II

I had pretty much the same thing. It was on a custom designed board with a K10DX256VlLL7 and it was working fine, programming no worries, then suddenly it wasn't and I got the .ARP load error etc.. It turned out that I'd damaged the microcontroller when I'd been doing some modifications to the circuit board. Removing the old part and fitting a new one solved it for me. A more meaningful error message (i..e: "Your chip is stuffed") would have saved me some time chasing about wondering what was going on. Hope this helps someone.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

hi Jason,

is this problem in a specific project or a common issue for all project? if you create a new project with wizard, then launch debugger, how does it work?

note: please remove .metadata folder then reopen workspace for test.

Have a great day,
Zhang Jun

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