About LSDKUG_Rev20.04.pdf, chapter 8.3.6 Soft Parser Support of user manual,i have some question as follow:
1.Can I use SPC to add some customer data in front of the original message ?
2.Can soft parser support multiple XML files at the same time? If so, what is the internal execution order and relationship?
3.My ultimate goal is to add some data in front of the original data packet for different network layers in a network packet.According to the manual, we can only modify the original data package, but I don't want to modify the original data package. I just want to add custom data in front of the original data package
For example, the original data packet is :eth+ip+tcp, and the modified is :ethflag+ipflag+tcpflag+ original data packet (eth+ip+tcp).
Can I use SCP tool to achieve this goal?
4.Can you provide me with an XML sample file?
Looking forward to your response.