I want to make the path of the Gui Guider source a relative path.
Currently, the image path is absolute.
When sharing source code with others, absolute paths are difficult to compare.
Is it possible to make the source code in the .guiguider file a relative path?
It is a year and a half since this question was asked, and using GUI Guider 1.7.2 under Windows, I am seeing the same behavior. Specifically, if I manually edit the .guiguider file to have only relative paths, they resolve correctly, but GUI Guider saves the absolute paths back to the .guiguider file rather than keeping them in memory only. This means that I have to manually edit the file every time I want to merge my code back to the master branch, which is suboptimal to say the least as well as rather surprising: it is not expected behavior that opening a file results in it being changed.
I would like to request that paths in the .guiguider file be retained as-is after import, save, and generate operations. This will allow version control to work properly and will not force developers to manually edit before every merge.
Thank you.
Hello @cjssi,
Sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced.
The feature for relative paths has been added to the functionality list for V 1.9.0, and we hope that upon its official release, it will improve your user experience.
GUI Guider current version doesn't have feature of using relative path.
I have logged it as feature request to GUI development team just now.
Thanks for bringing the problem to our attention.
Have a nice day,
Jun Zhang
Hi @ZhangJennie
Is there any update on the issue?
Hi @josephchen,
Now the paths in .guiguider file are still using absolute path, but it will update automatically when another user import this project into GUI Guider.
And all images imported into project will be copied to 'import/image', so the absolute paths will not cause any issue when sharing project between GUI Guider users.
Best Regards,
Hi @WenbinYuan,
For a team using Git to manage code, using relative paths in .guiguider file is more appropriate.
Kind Regards,
Joseph Chen
Hi @josephchen,
Thanks for your feedback, we will consider the Git usage and try to improve the GUI Guider.
Best Regards,