Hello NXP team,
could you test the target code for Freemaster (the one running on the microcontroller) with higher warning levels and make it warning-free? May I recommend the following warning flags:
The code raises several Compiler-Warnings with the warning-settings from above. The following three warnings, lead to linker errors when LTO is activated:
The following linker Errors with LTO active are created when the warnings are not solved:
Yes, at first glance these seem to have nothing to do with the warnings. It took me a while to understand the problem.
GCC13 was used on iMXRT1170.
Thanks and best regards
I agree
To add to this, I also suggest to remove warnings generated with -Wundef (which seems not to be included in -Wall?)as the Freemaster header files checks a lot of potentially undefined precompiler constants.