Dear Danielsilva,
In fact I have start the port but I can only pass some time to work on it because of ther work, so your help is welcome.
I have :
1/ start to undestand the structur of the freertos
2/ strart to understand what the other guys have done on the existing port.
3/ start the port on V1
4/ Last time I work on this subject I was verifying that 2 tests tasks were well build in memory. (It was ok for the first, but it seems that the second was erasing some area of the fisrt.
Note that I have put a 16MHz crystal on the board for other reason, so you may add a function to change the cpu clock register for the internal clock system.
I hope this will help you.
You can post other questions on this forum with your software modification.
Here is the fresh update.(joined)
Best regards,
Message Edited by t.dowe on 2009-10-21 02:10 AM