Has anyone worked with 5475 (or similar) MMU?
I am trying to program with Reference manual, but there is not any example.
Thank you
Is there a specific question that you have?
You can look at the Linux BSP to see an example (though complicated).
I am working with FreeRTOS scheduler. No other OS.
I never have work with MMU my lask micro was 68332.
I have read documentation but I do not how program it .
Thank you
Did you have luck with FreeRTOS port using 547x/8x? Can you share?
The MMU will allow you to "partition" the memory of the part, you can also make 2 "partitions" look like the same address and switch between them on the fly. I have yet to figure out how to do this but working on it. What is your specfic questions about teh MMU? If you just need a basic setup for it, that is easy and the compiler startup code should ahve done it for you, if not let me know and I will give you a basic setup.