MCF52223EVB Help

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MCF52223EVB Help

Contributor I
Hi all
AM a newbie on this dev board - have installed hte CodeWarrior dev studio and got the MyProj up and trucking using Stationery. I have got the LEDs on as per function calls in the rel ....evb.c source.
I am trying to fathom out the rest of teh source code that is provided and how one can implement this in order to get going with interrupts etc - such as for when the switches are pressed.
Does one have to do any specific includes and if so what files. I see the code for the vector table, the int handlers and the calls to the switch handlers but cannot fathom all this out as I used a simple printf statement in the sw handler to show that the switch was pressed - nada - so I am obviously doing something very wrong.
Does one have to call the mcf5xxxx_init function first or a specific set of functions for setting the board up.
I am ultimately wanting to do some USB stuff - is the USB BETA code the way to go or is there a specific set of code available that will asist in getting a stack going without having to reinvent the wheel so to speak.
Many thanks
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1 Reply

Contributor I
I'm in the same situation as you but a bit further working on usb now
I've Got UART I2C working fine as well as PIT and DMA timers.
To initialise your board you've got to
 init all what you need using functions from mcf5222x_sysinit.c or writing your own.
Make sure all your support Files (Support files folder in project) are targeted .
Make sure you're GPIO registers are set to use Switches (switches are set to GPIO inputs by default so it should be ok if you haven't modify it) .
Do you reach the interrupt handler if you set a breakpoint in it?
Do you see if your Pending register from the interrupt controller acknowledges Interrupts?
if Yes does your Mask register mask the interrupt ?
Let us know
PS: HID usb example is a good source od information.
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