For structure fields just use the standard ANSI C notation
struct {
long int a;
} mystruct;
move.l mystruct.a,D0
For arrays the ANSI C notation (tab[2]) is not working. Mainly because array access often cannot be mapped to one single assembly instruction.
Here it really depends what you want to do.
Suppose you have an array of int and want to access element number 3 in the array, you can write:
move.l D0,tab+(3*sizeof(int));
Now if you have a table of structure and want to access one field within an element of the structure you can for instance load A0 with the address of the desired element in the structure and then access the appropriate field using the struct construct (See manual referred in my last email).
For instance to access field x in fourth array element use the following:
lea tab, A0
adda.l #(4*sizeof(StrType)),A0
move.l D0,struct(StrType.x)(A0)
StrType being defined as follows:
typedef struct StrType
int x;
Anyway encoding of array access depends on what you intend to do.
I hope this helps.