Boot loader for M52233DEMO board/MCF52233 device?

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Boot loader for M52233DEMO board/MCF52233 device?

Contributor I
I need to be able to reload the firmware of a MCF52233 device via ethernet. Has anyone done this or have some suggestions? I've seen references to dBug being good reference code but have not been able to find the source code for it (on the MCF5223X devices.) Also, I've seen references to ports of MicroMonitor for Coldfire micros.

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3 Replies

Specialist V

I just wanted to update that we now have the Boot loader in operation. It supports posting new software from a Browser and works on the M5223X.
First results show an upload time of 70k test programs of about 5..6s (including post of the new data, verifications [CRC-16 over the code and some basic authentication], deleting old program, copying new code, verification again, and finally deleting intermediate data from FLASH). Power downs during the process cause no loss of data.

The documentation (describing the technique and its implementation) are available at the following address:

The loader occupies one FLASH sector (2k) on the M5223X and the loaded software requires no code changes apart from being linked to start at 0x800 rather than 0x0.

I plan to put a working board on line later this week so that anyone interested can upload real software to it via the Internet to verify its stability.


Mark /

Message Edited by mjbcswitzerland on 2006-11-1202:12 PM

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Specialist V
Hi cws

If you ask the same question in a week or two then maybe there will be a possibility.
However, although pre-mature, I will detail a present development which is its last phase before release. It may be suitable for your use but nothing official and no promises.

See the uTasker project at This feaure should be released shortly and has the following (approximate) specifications.
1. 8k boot program resides in FLASH.
2. Initially this plus an internet capable project is loaded to the board.
The internet capable part allows updates of code of up to about 120k size via Web Browser or via FTP (to upper part fo FLASH).
3. It reboots and copies the new code to the application FLASH (from about 8k). This uses a special header and CRC over the new code so is (as goal) foolproof against loading inappropriate code and leaving the device 'unreachable'.

This enables updates of the complete operating system and stack.

Its first restriction is that the new code must retain the capability of uploading the next (ie. have an operating stack with the same upload support). In the development environment it could go wrong if the new code is too buggy but in a field situation with tested releases it should be workable.

The second restriction is that the new code must be safely stored before the old code is replaced to avoid the possibility of losing everything if the device were to be powered down during an update (hence new and old code must fit into non-volatile memory). By adding 256k of serial FLASH (eg. via SPI) this can also be worked around but this is not the first goal.

If you think that this may be a solution I can inform you when the release has been validated. If you don't know the uTasker, it is an operating system with TCP/IP stack and simulator which is free for non-commercial use - it is fully email supported. It is designed for small single chip embedded projects and typical (performed and in work) projects take up about 60..70k of FLASH on the M5223X so the upload support is quite suitable. You can contact an online demo at (requires about 50k on the Coldfire) and see it via web cam at


Mark Butcher /
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Contributor I
Reloading application software can accomplished in a manner similar to the reloading of web pages as demostated in the available demos. Reloading the Ethernet stack itself is much more complex.
Debug for the 5223x MCU should be posted on the product page on the freescale website I will check into this.
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