After I install CW_ARMv8_v2020.06_b200629GA_Win_Setup.exe, then use "help -> Check for Updates", always have problems as followings:
sometimes I repeate "check for updates" a few times, then it will done, but I found no gdb_extensions directory, I want to user serdes confiuration tool, but can not find whole serdes 2 protocol.
PS:My project cycle is very tight, please reply as soon as possible, thank you very much,very thanks.
Best Regards
Please download CW_ARMv8_v2020.06_b200629GA_Win_Offline from the following link and install it.
Please download com.freescale.armv8.11.5.2.GA.Win.updatesite.210130.zip from the following link, then install it in CodeWarrior IDE from Help->Install New Software->Add->Archive.
Hi yipingwang,
Thanks for your replay. I install CodeWarrior IDE for another computer, then "check for updates" successfully. but I have another question, for LS2088A/LS2084A, serdes 2 are configured two PCIE gen3, the speed is 8G each PCIE, but the serdes2 proctocol ,how to choice, 0x3F or 0x51? we choice 0x51 for our board before, but In the following picture, I am a little confused.
Best Regards
Please create a new thread in https://community.nxp.com/t5/QorIQ/bd-p/qoriq-grl to track your new question.