While bringing-up LS1046A-based custom board using CodeWarrior, we encounter “Memory access failed” error.
As shown in the target initialization file, we set the USE_SAFE_RCW = True; But, we got: Memory access fail.
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import gdb
import time
from cw.dbg import ta
from cw.dbg import flash
from cw.dbg.rcw import HWRcwValidation
from cw.utils import cw_info, cw_warn, cw_error
from initialization import *
# In order to connect to a board with a broken RCW, set the following variable to True
# Override RCW using a safe hard-coded RCW option
#NOR offset value
NOR_CS = 0x0
CORE_CONTEXT = ":ccs:LS1046A:CortexA72#0"
# Base address for DCFG registers;
# it will be used to test if PBL phase was successful or not
DCSR_BASE_ADDRESS = 0x20000000
# Target access object
TA = ta.create()
# Prepare environment/convenience variables
def Prepare_Env():
set_init_params(context=CORE_CONTEXT, dcsr_addr=DCSR_BASE_ADDRESS)
gdb.execute("set $ddr_addr = 0x80000000")
gdb.execute("set $ocram_addr = 0x10000000")
# Reset
def Reset():
# Please make sure SERDES REF CLK is set to 100 MHz (SW4[1:2] = 00)
# Set rcw_src to the hard-coded RCW option matching the board's DIP SW
# regarding SYSCLK and differential/single-ended clock source
# use this when SYSCLK = 66 MHz, single-ended clock source
# TA.rcw.set_source(0x9A)
# use this when SYSCLK = 66 MHz, differential clock source
# TA.rcw.set_source(0x9B)
# use this when SYSCLK = 100 MHz, single-ended clock source
# TA.rcw.set_source(0x9E)
# use this when SYSCLK = 100 MHz, differential clock source
# add here if you need to override other particular RCW values
# TA.rcw.set_data({1: 0x40282830, 9: 0x00C12980, 10: 0x00002580})
user_reset = gdb.parse_and_eval("$reset")
user_reset_delay = int(gdb.parse_and_eval("$reset_delay"))
except gdb.error:
user_reset = 1
user_reset_delay = 0
if user_reset:
gdb.execute("cw_reset %d" % user_reset_delay)
except gdb.error as exc:
# check if PBL phase was successful;
# note 1: target accesses must be executed through SAP core
# note 2: a PBL error can be detected only when RESET_REQ is set to 'Do nothing'
HWRcwValidation(TA, DCFG_BASE_ADDRESS).check_for_pbl_error()
# if check_for_pbl_error does not detect the error, forward the initial exception
raise exc
# RCPM_CESRD sticky bit which will get set when you deassert EVT_B0
# REMOVE EXTERNAL DEBUG REQUEST which we issue in ccs on ccs::reset_to_debug
CCSR_BE_M(0x20160704, 0x80000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x20160708, 0x80000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x2016070C, 0x80000000)
# Safeguard against reset skid on CMSISDAP
# Clear PC
TA.reg.write(CORE_CONTEXT, "PC", 0)
# Clear MMU, caches, aligment checks, WNX in SCTLR_EL3
SCTLR_EL3 = TA.reg.read(CORE_CONTEXT, "SCTLR_EL3").to_int()
# CCI Initialization
def Init_CCI():
# Set Terminate all barrier transactions bit of CCI-400 Control Register
# (needed for dsb instruction to succeed when doing coherent reads/writes)
# It will be disabled after DDR is initialized
CCSR_LE_M(0x01180000, 0x00000008)
# Enable snoop requests and DVM messages for A53 cluster slave interface 4
CCSR_LE_M(0x01185000, 0x00000003)
# Boot Release
def Init_BRR():
# TODO: when we can detect the current context,
# release all cores for SMP, current core for AMP
# First set the secondary cores to debug mode after release
DCSR_BE_M(0x16002C, 0x0000000E)
# Write to BRR to release cores
CCSR_BE_M(0x1EE00E4, 0x0000000F)
# Clear the halt request for the secondary cores
DCSR_BE_M(0x16001C, 0x0000000E)
# Make sure the gdb threads are refreshed just after the BRR initialization
# Make sure the cores are stopped
# DDR Initialization
def A008511_Erratum():
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080F94, 0x80000000)
def A009803_Erratum():
DDR_BASE = 0x01080000
# 1. Configure the DDR registers as normal with parity enabled
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080114, 0x00401070 | 0x00000020)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080E44, 0x00 | 0x00000100)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080110, 0x45200000 | 0x80000000)
# 4. Poll for DEBUG_2[30] to be set
while True:
debug_2_value = CCSR_BE_D(DDR_BASE + 0xF04)
if debug_2_value & 0x2 != 0:
# 5. Clear ERR_DIS[APED]. Parity checking is now enabled
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080E44, 0x00 & (0xFFFFFFFF ^ 0x00000100))
def A009942_Erratum():
debug_29_value = CCSR_BE_D(0x01080F70)
debug_29_value |= 0x0070006F
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080F70, debug_29_value)
def Init_DDRC():
'''DDR controller initialization routine'''
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080110, 0x45200000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080000, 0x7F)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080008, 0x008000BF)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080010, 0x00C000FF)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080018, 0x0100013F)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080080, 0x80010312)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080084, 0x0202)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080088, 0x0202)
CCSR_BE_M(0x0108008C, 0x0202)
CCSR_BE_M(0x010800C0, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x010800C4, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x010800C8, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x010800CC, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080114, 0x00401070)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080118, 0x01010211)
CCSR_BE_M(0x0108011C, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080200, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080204, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080208, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x0108020C, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080210, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080214, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080120, 0x00000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080124, 0x18600618)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080128, 0xDEADBEEF)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080130, 0x02800000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080148, 0x00000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x0108014C, 0x00000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080104, 0x8055000C)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080108, 0xBBB48E44)
CCSR_BE_M(0x0108010C, 0x0049111C)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080100, 0x010C1000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080160, 0x00220001)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080164, 0x04401400)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080170, 0x8A090705)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080174, 0x86750609)
CCSR_BE_M(0x0108017C, 0x00000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080190, 0x090A0A0B)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080194, 0x0B0C0C00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080E44, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080E48, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080E58, 0x00010000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080B28, 0x80040000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080B2C, 0x81)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080260, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x0108016C, 0x13340000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080250, 0x02336800)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080400, 0x32C57554)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080404, 0xD4BB0BD4)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080408, 0x2EC2F554)
CCSR_BE_M(0x0108040C, 0xD8000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080220, 0x0701)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080224, 0x04800000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080228, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x0108022C, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080230, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080234, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080238, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x0108023C, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x010801A0, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x010801A4, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x010801A8, 0x00)
CCSR_BE_M(0x010801AC, 0x00)
#Delay before enable
#print "Enabling DDR controller"
CCSR_BE_M(0x01080110, 0xC5200000)
#wait for DRAM data initialization
# IFC Initialization
def Init_IFC():
CCSR_BE_M(0x0153000C + NOR_CS * 12, 0x00000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01530010 + NOR_CS * 12, 0x60000101)
CCSR_BE_M(0x015300A0 + NOR_CS * 12, 0xF8000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x01530130 + NOR_CS * 12, 0x00008000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x015301C0 + NOR_CS * 48, 0xC0200410)
CCSR_BE_M(0x015301C4 + NOR_CS * 48, 0x5000900E)
CCSR_BE_M(0x015301C8 + NOR_CS * 48, 0x0410501C)
CCSR_BE_M(0x015301CC + NOR_CS * 48, 0x00000000)
# QSPI Initialization
def Init_QSPI():
CCSR_BE_M(0x157015C, 0x20100000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x1550108, 0x00000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x155000C, 0x00000303)
# Set top address for each device
CCSR_BE_M(0x1550180, 0x44000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x1550184, 0x48000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x1550188, 0x4C000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x155018C, 0x50000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x1550010, 0x00000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x155001C, 0x80000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x1550020, 0x00000000)
CCSR_BE_M(0x1550000, 0x000f4000)
# Adds Flash devices for this board
def Config_Flash_Devices():
fl = flash.create(TA)
# Add QSPI device
fl.add_device({"alias": "qspi", "name": "MT25QU01GBBB", "address": 0x40000000, "ws_address": 0x10000000, "ws_size": 0x1FFFF, "geometry": "8x1", "controller": "QSPI"})
# Add eMMC device
fl.add_device({"alias": "mmc", "name": "SDINBDG4", "address": 0x00000000, "ws_address": 0x80000000, "ws_size": 0x1FFFF, "geometry": "8x1", "controller": "eSDHC"})
#set qspi as current device
# Detect DDR frequency
def Detect_DDR_Freq():
# Detect DDR data rate from RCWSR1
SYSCLK = 100
RCWSR1 = CCSR_BE_D(0x01ee0100)
MEM_PLL_RAT = (RCWSR1 & 0x3F0000) >> 16
# DDR freq in MT/s
DDR_freq = int(MEM_PLL_RAT * SYSCLK)
return DDR_freq
# L2 RAM Latency
def Config_L2_RAM_Latency():
# Initialize the L2 RAM latency
L2CTLR_EL1 = TA.reg.read(CORE_CONTEXT, "L2CTLR_EL1").to_int()
# Clear L2 Tag RAM latency and L2 Data RAM latency
L2CTLR_EL1 &= (~(0x000001C7))
# Set L2 data ram latency bits [2:0]
L2CTLR_EL1 |= 0x00000002
# Set L2 tag ram latency bits [8:6]
L2CTLR_EL1 |= 0x00000080
# This is the actual function called by debugger, flash, etc.
def run_init_file():
# Reset with RCW override option (USE_SAFE_RCW)
DDR_freq = Detect_DDR_Freq()
When we set the USE_SAFE_RCW = False:
We got “RCW error encountered. In order to diagnose the error temporarily change the board configuration switches to ignore the assertion of the RESET_REQ_B signal. Please refer to board reference manual in order to locate the appropriate switch that controls this behaviour.
Could someone please help us to resolve the error?
Thank you for your support.
解決済! 解決策の投稿を見る。
The "DDR Initialization" section in CodeWarrior initialization file is only used for LS1046RDB demo board, you need to modify this section according to your custom board.
You could use QCVS DDR tool to assist you to calculate the DDR controller configuration parameters, then do validation and optimization to get the optimized parameters and use them in CW initialization file.
Please refer to https://www.nxp.com.cn/docs/en/user-guide/QCVS_DDR_User_Guide.pdf
If there is SPD on the target board, please use reading from SPD to create a DDR project. If no, please create a QCVS DDR project with default parameters, then modify Properties panel according to DDR datasheet.
Hello @Kavinravi
Were you able to resolve the issue you were facing?
Even i''m facing the same issue.
I hope you reply for this
Thank You.
Hi Dhanyalakshmi,
Yes, I modified the board initialization file as per our custom board configuration. This fixed the issue. Please use the DDR validation tool (https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/user-guide/QCVS_DDR_User_Guide.pdf) to generate the code for DDR.
If you have any questions, please create a support ticket with NXP, and they will guide you.
Thank you.
The "DDR Initialization" section in CodeWarrior initialization file is only used for LS1046RDB demo board, you need to modify this section according to your custom board.
You could use QCVS DDR tool to assist you to calculate the DDR controller configuration parameters, then do validation and optimization to get the optimized parameters and use them in CW initialization file.
Please refer to https://www.nxp.com.cn/docs/en/user-guide/QCVS_DDR_User_Guide.pdf
If there is SPD on the target board, please use reading from SPD to create a DDR project. If no, please create a QCVS DDR project with default parameters, then modify Properties panel according to DDR datasheet.