I installer win10 in virtualbox, and install CW DS in virtual PC, but CW can not scan ip rightly in virtual pc, please tell me where is wrong or how to configure? thanks very much.
on outside pc, the cwtap usb ethernet ip use static ip,
in virtual PC, the NIC is used bridge mode,and static ip is
but last in CW DS, the scan ip is, it sames the DHCP server, and can not telnet.
Best Regards
In the console of CodeWarrior TAP, please type the following commands.
core> netparam static_ip_address
core> netparam bootconfig static:lab01
core> reset
In the console of CCS, please try the following commands.
% delete all
% config cc cwtap:
% show cc
In addition, CodeWarrior Connection Server failed to open listen socket, it means CodeWarrior IDE cannot work normally.
Hi yipingwang,
Thanks for your reply, I try the commands, but can not connection.
and scan ip is still 169.254.xx.xx.
otherside, outside PC and virtual PC can ping well via cmd, but in CW TAP console, can not ping virtual PC well.
Best Regards
It is abnormal that the HWaddress is "incomplete" in the arp table of your CodeWarrior TAP.
Please restart your CodeWarrior TAP.
In your virtual PC, please add the following arp table(MAC address of CodeWarrior TAP).
arp -s 00-04-9f-07-24-6d
Then in your virtual PC, ping CodeWarrior TAP IP
In CodeWarrior TAP console, check whether arp table is valid(display the mac address of your PC).