You can write a tcl commend file using flash programming commands.
You can start a tcl file from CodeWarrior in the following way:
- Start CodeWarrior
- Open a command window selecting "View" -> "command Window"
- Enter command source myscript.tcl.
These commands are not visible right out of the box, but you can make them visible using the command:
cmdwin::setvisible on cmdwin::fl
Following commands are then available for flash programming.
blankcheck Test that the flash device is in the blank state.
checksum Calculate a checksum.
device Define the flash device.
erase Erase the flash device.
image Define the flash image settings.
load Load the target, device, and image settings from <file>.
save Save the target, device, and image settings to <file>.
target Define the target configuration settings.
verify Verify the flash device.
write Write the flash device.
A typical script for flash programming will look as follows:
cmdwin::fl::load demo.xml
cmdwin::fl::device -se all
cmdwin::fl::erase all
cmdwin::fl::image project.eld
demo.xls is the name of the flash configuration file you want to use. You find configuration
file for typical EVB board at {Install}\bin\Plugins\Support\Flash_Programmer\ColdFire.
project.eld is the name of the .eld file you want to program.