I am using 53359evb along with mqx and Code warrior in my project.
After compiling the source code thoroughly there are few errors coming up
Error : Undefined : "InitializeUART"
uart_console_io_cf.c line 42 Referenced from "__init_uart_console" in
Error : Undefined : "ReadUARTN"
uart_console_io_cf.c line 80 Referenced from "__read_console" in
Error : Undefined : "WriteUARTN"
uart_console_io_cf.c line 107 Referenced from "__write_console" in
Error : Undefined : "__FLASHX_END_ADDR"
flash_mcf52xx.c line 82 Referenced from "mcf52xx_internal_flash_install" in
Error : Undefined : "__FLASHX_SECT_SIZE"
flash_mcf52xx.c line 72 Referenced from "mcf52xx_internal_flash_install" in
Error : Undefined : "__FLASHX_START_ADDR"
flash_mcf52xx.c line 96 Referenced from "mcf52xx_internal_flash_install" in
Error : Undefined : "__VECTOR_TABLE_ROM_START"
vectors.c line 353 Referenced from "__boot" in
Error : Undefined : "__VECTOR_TABLE_ROM_START"
init_bsp.c line 85 Referenced from "_bsp_enable_card" in
Error : Undefined : "__VECTOR_TABLE_ROM_START"
Referenced from "_psp_saved_vbr" in
Link failed.
What are the library files i missed to add in system path/access path - any guidance will be greatly helpful...
It seems that I found answer to this problem..
My code was initially compiled by MQX 3.0 and Code Warrior 7.1.
Compiling the same code with MQX.3.4 or later and code Warrior 7.1 or 7.2 was giving this problem.