Just to echo what Casycat said:
1) When the CodeWarrior IDE searches for files, it declares a match when it finds the
first file with the specified name. In this case, common.h. Since the IDE typically looks in its
own directories first, it latches onto its common file, not yours.
2) You can change this behavior by going to the IDE's Access Paths panel (Edit | YourProjectNameHere Settings, or press Alt-F7 to bring up the Settings panel, the pick Acces Paths). It displays the directory paths that will be searched. Just as important, the list indicates the order in which the directories will be searched. That is, directory paths higher on the list get searched first. In all likelyhood, the CodeWarrior directories are high on this list, followed by your source directory. You can change this search order by clicking and dragging the directory path names to rearrange the list.
3) Again, I have to side with Crasycat and say that's it's going to be a lot less error-prone for you just to change the name of that include file to something other than common.h. Make it easy on yourself.
Message Edited by J2MEJediMaster on
2007-07-12 10:19 AM