CW10 error building EWL_C project

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CW10 error building EWL_C project

Contributor I

Hello everyone,


I'm testing CW 10 Coldfire. I need to build the EWL_C project for Coldfire with our specific settings.

I've imported the project into my CW 10 workspace as "Existing projects" from the import wizard.

I've left the "Copy projects into workspace" tick box unchecked.


When I try to rebuild the project I get this error:



(Cannot run program "make": The directory name is invalid.





Under Project Settings/C/C++ Build/Builder Settings I see:


(don't use default build command)

Build command: make -f EWL_C.mak CWINSTALL=${PA_TOOLS_HOME}


Build directory: ${workspace_loc:/EWL_C.project}


The project is on my hard driver under: C:\Program Files (x86)\Freescale\CW MCU v10.0\MCU\ColdFire_Support\ewl\EWL_C


I've tried changing the path before "make" but with no result, the same error.

The "EWL C Reference.pdf" guide is no help since it still talks about "mcp" projects.


Any suggestion? Thanks!


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7 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Really a coincidence,  just run into the same error message today. I filed internally an error report about it.


The directory the error is about is the configuration directory. The automatic build setups are using a folder named after the build target (e.g. Debug, or...) in the project, the error shows up if that folder does not exist. It also starts make in that folder (and not the one mentioned in the Build directory:smileyhappy:.



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Contributor I

Thanks Daniel,


is there anything I can change to work around this error?


I must say I think you guys have done a good job but my experience of converting old mcp projects to CW 10 so far has been frustrating.

I've been using Eclipse since version 2.x both on Linux (using GNU tools) and Windows (using cross-compiler arm-elf tools). Also I've used Eclipse for C, C++, Java and Python projects.


I'll list some of the issues:

1. Importing an mcp project with Processor Expert fails to import the Processor Expert settings.

2. Importing a classic project with subproject fails to recursively import subprojects (the beta version of CW 10 did manage to do it)

3. 'The system recursive path' includes have got some problems. Despite having "${workspace_loc:/EWL_C.project/include}" under there (as automatically setup by the import wizard), the includes <stdint.h> and <stdio.h> could not be found and I had to manually add the path to the EWL library under "System Path"

4. Other problems with library includes prevent me from building a project. For example "intptr_t" can't be found. I'm going to play a bit with different library models but the best would be just to build our own library, as we did in the old CW.


I'll just ask some more questions about the license, feel free to redirect me to the right places...

We have some perpetual licenses and some annual ones for CW 7.1. Is there an upgrade program to CW 10? How much $$$? Can we keep the same license for CW 7.1 and 10?


Thank you again, I'm doing my best to make it work, being an Eclipse fan. But it's costing us a lot of time...




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Senior Contributor III



regarding to:

1. Importing an mcp project with Processor Expert fails to import the Processor Expert settings.


Could you please post here the origin project to analyse the problem?


best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team

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Contributor I

Hi Vojtech 


I can't post our project here in a public forum. But I can try recreating an mcp project in CW 7.1 with PE and then import it into CW 10. Is the classic importer meant to import the Processor Expert settings too?



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Senior Contributor III



If I understand the problem correctly. You have an EWL_C!! Processor Expert project created in CW V7.1 and after importing it into Eclipse enviroment using Import wizard (for more details please find attached screen shot) you have encountered some problems?
I have discussed the problem with developers in more detail and I have got the information that it is sufficient to post here the *.pe file before and after conversion to analyse the problem.
Could you please post here a version of CW that you are using (build xxxx)?
best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team

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Contributor I



Hello, If I understand the problem correctly. You have an EWL_C!! Processor Expert project created in CW V7.1 and after importing it into Eclipse enviroment using Import wizard (for more details please find attached screen shot) you have encountered some problems? 

 Hi Vojtech 



thanks. Well, one problem is that after calling the Classic Project Importer Wizard from CW 7.1 into CW 10, the new project doesn't have Processor Expert enabled: there's no .pe file. The old pe file hasn't been imported.


Under Project Properties / Processor Expert it shows: 

"Processor Expert/Device Initialization is not loaded yet.

 Please open Processor Expert/Device Initialization project to see settings."



I have discussed the problem with developers in more detail and I have got the information that it is sufficient to post here the *.pe file before and after conversion to analyse the problem.


As I wrote there's no pe file after conversion. But I'm happy to send you the one before conversion if you think it's helpful.


Is there a log anywhere that the importer wizard may have written to?



Could you please post here a version of CW that you are using (build xxxx)?



CodeWarrior IDE version 5.0.0 Build 3024


CodeWarrior Core IDE 1.0.0 build: b02025-A26A2

MCU 1.0.0 Build: 100621



Emanuele Ziglioli




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Senior Contributor III



regarding to the import PE project using Classic Project Importer Wizard from CW Classic into CW 10, the problem is that it is not possible to import project that start with number.

For now as workaround it is necessary to re-name the origin project to the name without a number on beginnnig of the project name e.g. (_4CastPrototype instead of 4CastPrototype).

The problem will be fixed in CodeWarrior MCU 10.1.

best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team

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