I would lke to know what is the exact difference for .s19 and .sx files difference
In one of the project which I am working,only(.sx) file got generated based on settings given "Generate Sx record".I was able to test using this image file
But when I created a new project for the same code with few updates , using the same settings ,the output files generated were .sx file and .abs.s19 file (with less size).I am not sure whether it is because of any other setting in Code Warriror 10.6.x ,Whether I have to use the .sx file only for testing like the one which I used for the previous project .There are minor differences only between .sx file and .abs.s19 file
.sx, .s19, S-Record or S19 are commonly used for the same type of files (Motorola S-Records). See as well https://mcuoneclipse.com/2012/09/27/s-record-intel-hex-and-binary-files/ .
You cannot compare the files size as depending on how many bytes or on each S-Record line, the content might be different.
If you really want to compare the content, I recommend that you use the SRecord (SRecord 1.64 ) utility: use it to transform the .s19 and the .sx file into a s-record (with same length/format), then compare it with a text editor.
I hope this helps,
My question was why it generates two files : (.s19) and (.abs.s19) files at the same time. Which to take preference
The .abs.s19 is createc by the burner utility (see https://mcuoneclipse.com/2013/10/29/s-record-manipulation-with-gnu-objcopy-and-burner-utility/ ), while the .sx one is created by the linker file settings.
The .abs.s19 is created as postbuild step (after the linking).
Usually it is configured one way or the other.
Thanks for the reply,so I can use sx one for my testing to load into the microcontroller ??
For the project without any code updates from the legacy project, I got only .sx file in Codewarrior 10.6.x
For the same code with updates ,I got two of these files ,so ahd a doubt which one I have to use for laoding to the micr