Setting Password to a Secure Action (Flash Programmer Task)

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Setting Password to a Secure Action (Flash Programmer Task)

Contributor I

Hi NXPc, I've been trying to perform a Secure Action via a Flash Programmer Task on a MC9S08AW60, but no matter how what I write nor how I format it on the "Password" field, Codewarrior 10.2 always tells me that the password is invalid and to "Please make sure the password is valid. Each 16-bit halfword needs to contain both 1's and 0's.".

I've succesfully set a password using the Processor Express, but can't seem to make it work using the task.

Any idea on what can I be doing wrong? Maybe the "Password" field has to be filled on a certain way that I'm missing?

Also, is it possible to make a Secure Action but with no Password (using the task)?



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