MCU protection

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MCU protection

Contributor II


     Excuse me, I have some questions. 1. when the flash security is enable,  P-flash protection and D-flash protection is not protected, do they need protected? what  is the difference between them and flash security?


    1.当flash 加密后,P-flash protection 和D-flash protection 状态是没有保护,这个影响我的芯片安全性吗?这两个是否也需要加密保护,他们加密和flash security加密有什么区别?




     2. When MCM_RPCR register has been assigned value 0x03, program has been downloaded into the MCU, the MCU can not been downloaded again. Using flash programmer, it still can not been downloaded. if doing this ,the MCU will be damaged, why?


    2.在程序中,当给寄存器MCM_RPCR赋值0x03时,程序下载到MCU后,不能再次下载程序,使用flash programmer也不能下载程序,如果强行下载的话,MCU会损坏,我已经试过几次,损坏过好几片MCU了,请问这是为什么?




     3.In Peripheral protection, how can I use Power Mode Control Write,GPIO Port D,Peripheral Clock Enable, GPIO and Interal Peripheral Select?


      3.  在Peripheral protection中,Power Mode Control Write,GPIO Port D,Peripheral Clock Enable和GPIO and Interal Peripheral Select,这四个分别怎么用?在什么情况下使用?




Best regards.


Guo chunhua

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


1)Excuse me, I have some questions. 1. when the flash security is enable,  P-flash protection and D-flash protection is not protected, do they need protected? what  is the difference between them and flash security?

>>>>>>>The flash protection means that you can not erase or program the flash sector when the falsh sector is protected. The flash Security feature means that the JTAG port is blocked, user can not access the code, register setting, memory contents via JTAG port unless the flash is mass erased.

If you want to set the chip in security mode, you should write the program flash location P:0x40c. For detailed inf, pls refer to section 20.3.1 Flash Configuration Field Description. For detailed code, I suggest you use PE and in the cpu bean, enable the security function, the PE will generate the security code.

2) When MCM_RPCR register has been assigned value 0x03, program has been downloaded into the MCU, the MCU can not been downloaded again. Using flash programmer, it still can not been downloaded. if doing this ,the MCU will be damaged, why?

>>>>>>>>>>I do not suggest you modify the default setting of the MCM module, it is okay to use the default configuration after Reset. In other words, do not write any code for the MCM module.

3) In Peripheral protection, how can I use Power Mode Control Write,GPIO Port D,Peripheral Clock Enable, GPIO and Interal Peripheral Select?

>>>>>>>>>The peripheral protection means that peripheral register can not be modified after it is protected, lest that the peripheral register is modified by mistake for example, the code runs away. I suggest you do not protect the peripheral registers.

Hope it can help you


XiangJun Rong

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