CodeWarrior vs. Cyclone_Launch.exe, What is the Difference in How They Communicate with the MC9S12?

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CodeWarrior vs. Cyclone_Launch.exe, What is the Difference in How They Communicate with the MC9S12?

Contributor II



I have an embedded system test setup with a host PC running CodeWarrior IDE and a CyclonePro inc-circuit debugger connected to an embedded MC9S12. For some targets, the CodeWarrior makes a communication link and the debugger works. But for some other targets, I get:


Communication with the target failed

(target MCU has no clock or wrong BDM clock speed

                is used Or derivative is secured!)

But these targets that fail to connect to CW, do connect to the Cyclone as we use the Cyclone command line utility CYCLONE_LAUNCH.exe to run production testing. They work on the production test bench but not at my deskside test setup using CodeWarrior.


How does the comm differ between CodeWarrior and CYCLONE_LAUNCH.exe? I'm looking for clues as to how I can get these other MC9S12 systems to communicate with CW.


-- Andy

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