I have been asked by a client to provide static testing for a 4K LOC application written entirely in C for the MQX OS. Code Warrior 6.3 was used as the development platform and unfortunately, this is old enough to be (typically) unsupported by the static testing tools that I've researched (including Coverity). Does anyone have any insights into tools that would be compatible with this? I can use the underlying Code Warrior command line compiler to compile and build (so Code Warrior itself isn't required) but don't have a clue over
I am using CodeWarrior Development Studio, CodeWarrior for MCU version 10.2. How can I do static code analysis on it? It doesn't look like it has a static code analysis plug-in or tool installed.
Hi Paul,
Could you tell us which MCU and MQX version are you using?
Best Regards,
Carlos Mendoza
Technical Support Engineer
The processor is the MCF51MM. We are using MQX version 3.6.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Paul Buckley
Hi Paul,
The PC-lint static analysis tool is compatible with CodeWarrior Professional suite which includes the license file for the PC-Lint CodeWarrior plug-in, you can find more information about PC-Lint Software from Gimpel:
Gimpel Software PC-lint Overview
You can use the following document as reference to add a PC-lint build target to your project:
Hope it helps!
Best Regards,
Carlos Mendoza
Technical Support Engineer
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Hi Carlos,
Are there any trial Versions of PC-Lint ? or Is it mandate that I should get a License for it to use it?
There are no trial versions of PC-lint afaik. There are other/similar tools available.
E.g. Eclipse has one built in (see Free Static Code Analysis with Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse ) or you could use CppCheck (Open Source Static Code Analysis: Cppcheck with Eclipse | MCU on Eclipse ). There might be others too.
Thank you for this information. I am concerned that the CodeWarrior version that was used during development – Version 6.3 – may not be compatible with PC-lint as this version is several years old. Do you have any idea how far back compatibility will go between CodeWarrior and PC-lint?
I sent this question to the Gimpel discussion forum as well.
Best Regards and thanks again,
Hi Paul,
As you can see on the CodeWarrior Suites Quick Reference Guide, CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers (Classic IDE) - RS08/HC(S)08, ColdFire V1 v6.3 Professional suite comes with support for the PC-lint plug-in:
Hope it helps!
Best Regards,
Carlos Mendoza
Technical Support Engineer
Hi Carlos,
I am using CodeWarrior 10.6.4. How to find out that whether I am using a standard or professional suite?