'Getting Started with AUTOSAR MCAL (Steve Mihalik)' document decribed that, MPC574XG-P-B-C-P (doensn't matter) MCAL can be compile with GnuWin32. Similary I saw that in config.mak file, MCAL can be compile with CodeWarrior.
But in ../MCAL_Sample_Application/make/ there is build_cfg.mak file only for GHS and DIAB.
I want to compile MPC567xF MCAL with GNUWin32 or CodeWarrior (which are free).
How can I find build_cfg.mak file for GNUWin32 or CodeWarrior? Can you offer me any other methods for this situtaion?
Best regards.
I have same problem about MCAL compile. Is it possible to compile "MPC5777C_MCAL4_0_RTM_1_0_1_Sample_Application" with gcc compiler ? There are some solution on web for different MCAL versions with setting up launch.bat file. But I didn't see any example for MPC5777c.
Can some one help ?
has anyone answers? or can anyone give a opinion?