Codewarrior USB TAP
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We currently use the Codewarrior USB TAP p/n 900-75115 (rev. F). We now need one spare for our manufacturer. This USB TAP is no longer available. Please let me know similar USB TAPs that can be purchased.

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Hi Kjell,
We (NXP) provide for CodeWarrior development tools 2 types of interfaces which are:
- CodeWarrior TAP
Starcore, Power Architecture (COP) and QorIQ LS (Coretex 10 pin)
- CodeWarrior USBTap
DSC56800/E, PowerQuicc I
For details please have a look to web:
CodeWarrior Run Control Devices|NXP
What's about the USBTap p/n 900-75115 ?
This is a COP interface used for Power PC devices used by MGT V9.2 for instance.
The CodeWarrior TAP is the new interface replacing the USBTap.
Now the question is: what is the CodeWarrior Development tool used ?
CodeWarrior TAP was released recently and old Dev tool versions don't support this interface.
We've workaround which is the update the CCS tool used by debugger to establish connection with interface.
Please can you provide us more information ?
Have a great day,
NXP Technical Support
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Hi Pascal,
We use Codewarrior PA V8.8, and the processor we use is MPC8308. Actually our manufacturer only need to program flash memory using this new USB TAP.
Kind regards,

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Hi Kjell,
The CodeWarrior TAP can be used.
The PA V8.8.6 is the last version of Classic PA.
The patch 8.8.6 includes new ccs tool which is supporting CodeWarrior TAP.
However it doesn't support 7xx and 6xx devices - limitations of connectors.
Attached the manual.
Have a great day,
NXP Technical Support
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Hi Pascal,
As I mentioned in my initial request, we need to get one more USB TAP that is available for purchase. Please let me know the part number for this USB TAP that will work with PA V8.8.6 and the MPC8308.
Kind regards,

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USBTap for PA is not available anymore and was replaced by CodeWarrior TAP.
Now if you want an USBTap you can check on web.
I found some pieces on Ebay for instance.
Have a great day,
NXP Technical Support
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Have I understood you correctly that the "CodeWarrior TAP" as shown in the link in your reply above, can be used as a direct replacement for "USBTap" we already have?
Kind regards,

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USBTap for COP is not manufactured anymore.
The CodeWarrior TAP can be used in this case. It's the new interface.
Have a great day,
NXP Technical Support
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Hi Pascal,
I have a follow up question regarding Code warrior PA V8.8.6. Can you send me a link where to download, and also where to obtain an eval. license.
Thank you!
Kind regards,

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Hello Kjell,
CW for PA V8.8.6 is not a 1 installation file only.
You need to install CW for PA V8.8 and after the patch PA V8.8.6.
How to get it ?
Please have a look to the link:
CodeWarrior Development Tools for PowerQUICC|NXP
Click on Download Evaluation.
8.8 | CodeWarrior DS for Power Architecture, Professional Edition (Windows Hosted) WIN Evaluation / Update... |
By default a temp professional license file is included.
The product is associated to CW for Networked Application family.
Refer to the buyers guide for details:
CodeWarrior Development Tools for PowerQUICC|NXP
Have a great day,
NXP Technical Support
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Hi Pascal,
Thanks for letting me know how to do this. I will try it later on.
The only thing our manufacturer needs to do is to program flash memory on a card with the MPC8308, and nothing else. Do we need to buy a CodeWarrior license to do that? Is there no free version of CodeWarrior that we can use, except for downloading an eval. version each time it expires?
Kind regards,

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Hi Kjell,
Unfortunately we don't have Special Edition (Free of charge) version for this tool.
Re-installing evaluation version should not work too.
Is there a free Flash Programmer available on the web ? I don't know.
The CW for PA V8.8 is associated to CW4NET tool chain.
Refer to the buyers guide for details:
CodeWarrior Dev Tools for Networked Apps|NXP
Now we could have another option we can propose you.
In this case, please contact us with Case system..
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5) On the NXP online support page, select Contact Support from the top menu and click “submit a new case” to start the process.
Have a great day,
NXP Technical Support
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