My apologies, the FAQ that you are referencing is indeed outdated. I will have my team look into updating this ASAP. Now, onto your issue:
For the most part, the only thing you should need to do in order to get up and running with your USB dongle is to visit the following page:
You should download the "Standard Driver Installer" to get the necessary USB drivers installed on your machine. (Do not install the "Driver Updates", you may not need them). This will get a majority of use cases up and running on a USB dongle.
To be absolutely certain, you should then verify that FLEXlm is indeed recognizing your DongleID printed on your USB dongle by doing the following:
1. Visit the following link:
2. Select the "License Manager Installer for Windows"
3. After installation, goto:
Start --> Programs --> FLEXlm for Metrowerks Tools --> FLEXlm License Manager
4. Ensure that your USB Dongle is plugged in and the red LED is lit.
5. Navigate to the "System Settings" tab in the FLEXlm License Manager, you should see the Dongle ID displayed on your dongle within the FLEXID portion of this window. See the attached screenshot for an example successful USB Dongle recognition within FLEXlm.
If for some reason, you are not able to see the DongleID in the FLEXlm tools, then you should look to install the "Driver Updates" that are listed right below the "Standard Driver Installer". This contains some updates to the dongle drivers that were released after we built the other installer.
Your next steps will depend upon your specific circumstances:
- If you already have obtained a license file tied to your dongle, you should be good to go.
- If you have already activated and obtained a license through our web licensing system tied to your PC (via Disk Serial Number or MAC Ethernet Address) and would like to switch it to your USB dongle, then you should send a note to and be sure to include your current license file and your DongleID that you need it locked to. - If you have not registered/activated your product yet, you should be able to do so and at activation time you should be able to specify that you want your license locked to a dongle and specify the DongleID.
Hope this info helps....
John Whitney