USBTap install problems despite applying patch

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USBTap install problems despite applying patch

Contributor III

I'm on the same path as gtg929p in msg 1392, but for a 56800 DSP (568356 to be precise). I've done as CrazyCat suggested, changing  the file

{CW Install path}\ccs\bin\ccs.cfg
from  "config cc Parallel:1" to "config cc utap"
but I still get CCS Protocol plug in: CCS Core not responding, even after a reboot.

I've installed USBTap driver from a Codewarrior sub directory, and the green led is flashing, so it seems to be happy enough. The Jtag interface previously worked with a McGraigor systems Wiggler.

I have also installed the USB patch for CW v7.3 as suggested in msg 1139, and changed ccs.cfg from

 "config cc Parallel:1" to "config cc utap" again

Now I get “USB Open failure”…

The USBtap is brand new, from EBV & says its a RevA on the underside.

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4 Replies

Contributor III

I've been trying to get help on this for days, so I was delighted to see your response!

My JTag Clk was 500kHz, so its not that, I afraid. I tried it at 50KHz, to now avail. My boss's laptop just works, but we note that his ccs.cfg is not altered by picking the USBTap in the debugger tab under the project options dialog.

The error msgs sounds much more fundamental, and to do with the USB interface rather than the JTag. Can you help any further?


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Ken,

You mentioned that the LEDs are blinking on the USB-TAP, but feel that the driver is not installed correctly, or is not working on your dual-core laptop. It installed OK on your boss' laptop, and works OK....

I'll call you.



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Contributor III
Sorted - see attachment for settings (though I couldn't preview it within the msg thread, so adding attachments to msgs may not work)
CCS console setting are a red herring. The local connection has to be set to USBTap, and the Jtag clock has to be 500kHz, not the 8000 factory default. And these setttings are per project.
Error msgs are misleading e.g. "CCS libary not found" in response to a lack of target power. "unable to open USB port" seems to mean "Jtag not responding, but USB is fine".
I would have returned this product as unsaleable had it not been for the support by the FAE's. I understand that it is causing them a lot of calls!
p.s. this is the 2nd time that I've typed this - if you use the preview button, and try to come back to the original edit, you lose what you've typed. Not very clever.
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Hi Ken,
That'll be a speed issue with the JTAG clock frequency being too high. Your project is likely to have this set to 8000. Try reducing it to 800 and post back to the forum to let us know how you got on...
It sounds as though the USB driver got installed OK.
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