How-to Directly Install CodeWarrior 6.3 Classic in Windows 10 or 7 x64 (Unofficial Method)

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How-to Directly Install CodeWarrior 6.3 Classic in Windows 10 or 7 x64 (Unofficial Method)

Contributor IV

CodeWarrior 6.3 is for most RS08, S08, ColdFire V1 Processors*

*Not compatibile with (S08: RN, RNA, PA, PT, Kinetis (including Tower), ColdFire V2 ...)


This post describes installing CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers (Classic IDE) - RS08/HC(S)08, ColdFire V1 v6.3

on 64-bit modern versions of Microsoft's operating systems e.g. Windows 7 and Windows 10. 


Some people could argue to use the Eclipse-based CodeWarrior and they have their points (some devices and situations require it). On the other hand Freescale long knew that Eclipse-based CodeWarrior is cumbersome. Here is a great article (now only available by archive since it was deleted) article by James Trudeau (formally of Freescale) about his teams unfinished but thoughtful effort: CodeWarrior 10.3 a new perspective.

Also for those who fondly remember programming Motorola parts with an Metrowerks IDE, give this a shot.

Typically you will get the error "CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers v6.3 is not compatible with Windows XP 64-bit installations" when trying to install under Windows 7/10 x64.

These methods are UNOFFICIAL and are not supported by NXP

– Do not contact NXP support for these methods. 


UNOFFICIAL community version Special Edition CodeWarrior "6.3.2" 

Download and install here:

Includes all updates, fixes, and service packs

  • For P&E Micro - just check the box for the install options - no extra steps needed
  • For USBDM - just check the box for the install options - use the USBDM firmware updater (start menu) if needed 


Any issues? Ask questions in this forum. 


Partial instructional video:

Freescale/NXP CodeWarrior Classic 6.3 Windows 10 x64 HCS08 RS08 CFV1 P&E Micro BDM - YouTube

Note: The video doesn't show the PE_Plugin.dll update or the P&E fix. Also the files names may be a little different.   

Main Installation steps (Windows 7/10 64-bit):

1. Download: CodeWarrior for Micro-controllers here (or here alt link): which is for most RS08, S08, ColdFire V1

2. Install 7Zip, and extract the exe (instead of running the exe; right click it and extract) to a folder

3. Download and extract (attached below or mirror) and move it your extracted folder.

4. Drag and drop CW_MCUs_V6_3.msi onto RemoveOSCheck.vbs giving a series of messages like "Launch Conditions Removed"

5. Run the setup.exe file located in the extracted folder. Do a custom install and uncheck the ICEbase and Softec under debugger drivers in the customization options. When you get a prompt skip the auto-updates process. 

Note: If you get an error "The wizard was interrupted ..." see this link #comment-1103754 

6. Install the updates listed below (most are not offered by the updater).

7. In the CW6.3 install folder in Program Files (x86) folder, under bin\plugins\com, *replace* PE_Plugin.dll with the one extracted from zip attachment at the bottom of this post. 

8. Run the software as administrator (using right click menu) at least once.

9. If your code is 64k or smaller use the free Special Edition license below. 

License Issues or lab cloning:

This license linked below was posted online by Freescale and is open to ANY hostid and doesn't expire which great for cloning machines. Is it a special edition license file limited to 64K or less of code. 

Assuming 7 or better, goto the "Start menu", type Notepad, right click the icon select run as administrator. Goto File -> Open and goto C:\Program Files (x86)\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3\license.dat, then open this license link (Freescale archive) to view the file in your browser. Highlight all the text (starting with # lines and down) in the browser and COPY and in notepad PASTE it over ALL the existing text in license.dat, then goto File -> Save.  This avoids any nasty file permission issues. 

If your license file only works when you run as CW as administrator, this is because of inherited permissions. I would delete the whole "CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3" folder reinstall and use the copy paste method above. 

List of updates for CW 6.3 backup link to downloads:

Always install these two: 

CW MCU v6.3 PE V3.09 - Patch.exe (It will warn about derivative updates not being installed; this is ok)

CW MCU v6.3.1 - Patch.exe

Install these if you want this derivative updates:

CW MCU v6.3 AG128 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 AW16A Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 AW60 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 ColdFire V1 EM256-EM128 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 HCS08 QE32 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 LH64-LL64 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 MM128JE128 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 MM256-JE256 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 S08 AC128 Service Pack.exe CW MCU v6.3 S08 SF4 Service Pack.exe

CW08_V6_3_PE_V3_08_SP.exe (Obsolete - Do not install/download) CW MCU v6.3 - Flash Patch.exe (Obsolete - Do not install/download - Instead see P&E instructions below) CW MCU v6.3 PE V3.08 - Patch.exe (Obsolete - Do not install/download)


P&E Micro BDM steps: Cyclone Pro, Cyclone Universal, USB BDM Multilink*, USB Multilink Universal, USB Multilink Universal FX. 

*Note: Rev. A of the USB-ML-12 is not supported in Windows 7/10 – Rev. C is supported but is discontinued product

1. Download and install the latest drivers (free login required)

2. According to this FAQ, download this zip Patch for CFV1/S08/RS08/MON08 3rd Party Software  extract it and follow the rest of steps in the README text file.

(Basically you need to merge the files from inside the "Patch" folder in the zip into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3\prog\P&E".If you do it correctly, it should prompt you about overwriting a few files, do it.)

3. Run CW as administrator (using right click menu) including building and debugging/programming once.



I personally used this for a HCS08SH microcontroller with a Wytec USBDM with the latest and it works great. If you don't consider it because they are a fifth the price of other programmers and are open source hardware and software. You can also buy them on eBay for about $15 dollars US (white-ish box with three leds, black letters on the outside that says "USBDM" are the ones I have tested), but throw away the CD that comes with them. Follow the YouTube instructions below.  The project is currently hosted on

Watch a video on the process: USBDM CodeWarrior 6.3 5.1 5.2 Windows 10 x64 Install and Update Firmware - YouTube 


1. (Uninstall and re)Install latest USBDM software AFTER installing Codewarrior 6.3

2. (Uninstall the re)Install latest signed driver before plugging it in USB.

3. Use the firmware updater from the start menu to make sure the firmware is up to date

(TIP:  Try the verify button before trying to update to make sure all "update mode" drivers are installed; it may crash/hang the 1st verify, fail on the 2nd verify, but that is OK, thirdly do the update)

4. You'll need to select "HCS08 Open Source BDM" in the new project wizard in CW 6.3

Note that the automatic calculation of the clock trim doesn't work directly from CW6.3 debug you need to use the standalone USBDM HCS08 external programmer from the start menu (see posts below from USBDM dev PGO).

Dead Collector: Bring out yer dead!

Freescale: Here's one.

CodeWarrior Classic: "I'm not dead".

Dead Collector: 'Ere, he says he's not dead.

Freescale: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.

CodeWarrior Classic: I'm getting better. I work with Windows 10 x64 now.

NXP: What about this one? 

Freescale: Who me?

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89 Replies

Contributor I


I have installed CW 6.3 on Windows 10 64bit Operating System using the new one step method posted here by Rodney. I’m using the P&E Multilink/Cyclone Pro connection (USB MON08 Multilink) with HC08 (HC908QB8).

I can make the Project and when I enter in debug mode, the target is automatically detected. However, when I start the execution, it is halted and stops in a specific instruction every time. I’ve noticed that it is able to run Step Over, but the execution is also halted in the same instruction after a few steps (it’s an endless loop). I can’t set any breakpoints either, it shows an error message on console.

I’m able to run without problems the debug session with the same hardware using CW 6.2 on Windows 7 32bit Operating System. I’ve noticed using the Step Over that it often shows on console “Preset breakpoint encountered” before going to the next step.

I’ve also compared P&E’s debugger DLL versions for HC08 devices, the ICD08sw_dll.dll. It’s inside P&E folder. I checked the versions for HC908QB8 in ngs_devices_hc08.ini file. In CW 6.2 on Windows 7, in which I can set breakpoints and run the program smoothly, the version used is ICD08sw_dll_v230.dll.  But CW 6.3 on Windows 10 was using ICD08sw_dll_v681.dll. I changed the configuration file so that CW 6.3 would use v230 DLLs in the fields PROG, ICD and PROG_INTERACTIVE. After that, I added wdapi900.dll from a CW 10.7 installation, so that my target coud be recognized.

Despite that, when the program starts, the execution is still halted on the same instruction I mentioned previously. But Step Over can now reach more instructions than with v681 DLLs. I still can’t set breakpoints, but now the error messages are displayed in two separate HI-WAVE windows. "Could not set the hardware breakpoint at address $(address)", immediately followed by "Was not able to set the breakpoint at $(adress)".

All the problems seems to be related with the breakpoints, that can’t be set. The execution seems to be halted because the debugger can’t set and clear breakpoints. I reached that conclusion since during the correct single-step execution (on Windows 7) the message “Preset breakpoint encountered” is shown several times.

I would really appreciate if someone could help me solve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

I would say your best bet is to contact PE support. They may even provide a patch for your specific derivative issue. However, it my understanding that the USB MON08 Multilink is not well supported anymore. USB-ML-12 Rev C works well (based on my testing and P&E advice), but other legacy products may have issues with the latest P&E software. See this page Multilink Trade-In Program 

I would also recommend trying a USBDM from eBay (white box). I have both tools and there are a lot of situations where one works better than the other. 

0 Kudos

Contributor V

I agree with Rod. USB MON08 is quite unstable with windows after XP. I'd say you've got three basic options: use a cyclone which is well supported for HC08s, if your budget is low you can use an old PC with XP and real serial ports so you'll just need some glue electronics, because MON08 runs on ROM inside the chip OR update your design so you can use S08 or Cortex-M0.



0 Kudos

Contributor V

Of course if you have XP your USB MON08 multilink will work fine as well.

0 Kudos

Contributor IV

I see in a post above that there is a replacement for the "PE_Plugin.dll".

The new dll is meant to prevent the exception when closing Codewarrior.

This concerns Codewarrior 6.3.

Is there a similar replacement dll for Codewarrior V4.7?

/Anders J

0 Kudos

Contributor IV 

Would this work for you? Not sure which chip you use. 

0 Kudos

Contributor I


I'm working with a Windows 10 Pro PC and I tried to get CW Classic to install and run on it following the instructions in this thread;

3. Download and extract (attached below or mirror) and move it your extracted folder.

4. Drag and drop CW_MCUs_V6_3.msi onto RemoveOSCheck.vbs giving a series of messages like "Launch Conditions Removed"
and I get all of this responces but then I try to run the installation it just works for a short while and then it terminates suddenly without installing. Tried this multiple times with the same respons.

NOTE. I am running as administrator.

I also tried the other method to copy a XP running installation to my PC and at the Command window C:\CW....\bin\ starting the regservers.bat but then I get the following respons;


I would be very happy if you could give me some suggestions how to succed.


0 Kudos

Contributor IV

Note: This post is for issues related to the old method. 

Regarding the "Wizard was interrupted ..." error: 

After Step 4 (RemoveOSCheck.vbs), but before Step 5:

Step 4A: dragging and dropping CW_MCUs_V6_3.msi onto unzipped removedriver.vbs (attached as zip). Then try running the setup.exe installer again, it will still say the "setup was interrupted again" but it should have installed CW this time. Check the start menu and desktop for CW. 

Step 5A:  Use the "start" menu to search for cmd.exe right click on it and say run as Administrator. (even if you are an admin user, you have to explicitly open cmd with administrative rights, Then cd into the 'codewarrior 6.3 install folder' and then cd in 'bin' and then run regservers.bat . It should says registering dlls. 

Step 5B: You need to put a fresh license.dat file linked in the "License Issues or Lab Cloning" section into the 'codewarrior 6.3 install folder'

Go to Step 6 in the main instructions and continue. 

0 Kudos

Contributor I


I have a visualization issue:


Codewarrior IDE should run as a MDI form, but I see all child forms on the desktop and not in the parent container.

My system is Windows 10 x64 Ver 18.09.

How can I solve the problem?


0 Kudos

Contributor IV

I have never seen this issue. Does it happen on your other windows 10 machines?

0 Kudos

Contributor V

Dear Rodney,

I've got the same issue on 2 Win10 machines. It runs OK (Thanks a LOT!) links with cyclone on HC08 but the main screen is the small strip shown and it does not accept resizing.

If you need additional info pls let me know.



0 Kudos

Contributor IV

Can you post a screenshot?

Does hitting Alt+spacebar and selecting maximize do anything?

0 Kudos

Contributor V

Dear Rodney,

As requested, I've appended 2 screenshots. First shot is at entry, second is when exiting CW. But it's working OK, so I'm not really concerned. BTW I'm using WIN10 v 1903 compilation 18362.657SS1.jpg




0 Kudos

Contributor IV

What happens if you run as administrator (via right click)?

Also, what does it look like when you have a project open? Does it look normal?

0 Kudos

Contributor I

From Rodney's instructions, I have CW running on Windows 10 home edition and works fine.  The IDE fonts are small and cannot be changed, but the editor fonts can be enlarged.  Since I am using a 24" widescreen monitor, the editor text is not very crisp, but manageable for short term use.  Also, I changed the DPI settings for the CW application and it helped.  I am wondering if using a non-widescreen monitor may help in the editor text to be more clear.  

0 Kudos

Contributor I

Hello All,

Both issues are corrected thanks to Rodney's help.

0 Kudos

Contributor I

Hello All,

Two more error screen shots when running the IDE for the first time.reg error.jpg

bat error.jpg

0 Kudos

Contributor I

Hello All,

Attached is the screenshot of the interruption error.  error.jpg

0 Kudos

Contributor II

Dear Rodney,

   You do me a lot of favor! Thanks very much, Now i can use CW6.3 & USBDM on win7 64bit !

You are good,helpful and brilliant!

Thanks .

Contributor I

Hi Rodney, 

I am using Windows 10 with 64bit Operating System. I have Cyclone Pro and current I have problem to connect it with Codewarrior 6.3. I followed the instruction aboved, but I don't know if I am missing any steps. The following pictures shows the microprocessor which I am using and the error message when I tried to debug my code. Capture1.PNG


Thank you 

Hoang Thien

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