is there any chance to enable the "Concurrent Compiles" option in CW 7.1 (coldfire) for Windows?
On the quadcore PC I use, at compile time the CPU usage doesn't go beyond 8%.
Compiling a large project takes quite a long time
Are you aware of any options that could seriously reduce the compilation time?
I do not have CodeWarrior for Coldfire V7.1 installed right now, but here is what I know from other CodeWarrior products
If Concurrent compilation is supported by the tool chain you should see a "Concurrent Compiles" panel in "IDE Preferences" dialog, in the General group..
To open IDE Preferences select entry Preferences from Edit menu.
If the panel is not there, concurrent compilation is snot supported.
You can submit a service request to ask for an extension.
Click here to submit a service Request.