I've been testing the Codewarrior Eclipse on linux.
Is there any specific place to get info and/or help on this subject?
Hi. I've just installed CW Beta 10 on a Linux PC (Athlon x2 - 4 Gb RAM - Ubuntu 9.10 64bits) and i wanted to test it.
I'm NOT experienced at all with eclipse, and don't have much practice on CW either, but i've made a couple of simple programs for HCS08 MCUs.
My problem with CW Beta 10 is the Processor Expert. I use the Device Initialization, wich is (i believe) a part of Processor Expert, but when i tried to create my 1st proyect on Beta10, i get a prompt message saying something about a "local sever" for Processor Expert, and that that can only be used on a Windows PC.
If anyone can help me with this, i'd be mostly thankfull. I don't know if this is a particular problem on my computer, or if it's a general problem with Linux and Beta 10.
P.S.: I've build an OSBDM with a JB16 (20 pin version). It worked OK on CW 6.3 under Windows. Does it also work on Beta 10 in Linux? I couldn't try it because of the upper issue.
I got it to put up a window - but it would not let me pick the chip I'm using - put up errors. I wish I could find a serious support area - should be an eclipse-on-linux forum area or at least a page describing what is available and a time line. Was there a previous version that supported HCS08 development on Linux? A link please?
There are links to support on the CodeWarrior for MCUs v10 beta page.
J2MEJediMaster wrote:There are links to support on the CodeWarrior for MCUs v10 beta page.
OK? How about a hint - I look at your link and I see videos - I look at the download tab - just the package? I'm just not seeing this download - exactly what is the file name and how do I get to it?
I need to work with the HCS08... I have MCU_10_Linux installed and running .. (should I just ignore the license complaints?
So others know - there is no eclipse executable as mentioned in the documentation (a launch script by that name might be nice) - there is a /eclipse/startup.jar that you need to run with Sun-Java5-Runtime(32bit) which requires you install ia32-sun-java5-bin on Debian and all of the Debian descendants OS's - Debian lenny has all the required libs according to the install.
On start up it complains about a License -
Cannot load flexlm license from :${MCU_TOOLS_HOME}/license.dat
Yet when I look in MCU_10.0 there is a license.dat file??
Clicking on details:
Detail information for product "MCU" version "1.0.0"
status: "Cannot load flexlm license from : ${MCU_TOOLS_HOME}/license.dat"
License model: "class com.freescale.core.ide.license.flexlm.FlexlmActivate"
Contact Email: licensing@freescale.com
Register URL: http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?nodeId=02Wcbf
Purchase URL: http://www.freescale.com/
FlexLM Eval Period: 15 day(s)
GTL Server: gtlsrvr.metrowerks.com
GTL Port: 80 (8,080)
Wants Host ID: true
License file path:
flexlmFileLocator: null
flexlmFile: ${MCU_TOOLS_HOME}/license.dat
License file URL: null
Error String: Cannot load flexlm license from : ${MCU_TOOLS_HOME}/license.dat
Feature Keys:
FEATURE ProfessionalEditionMCU 10.0, status : INITIALIZATION_ERROR
Alternate Keys:
(no keys)
License file Content:
(License file not found)
Ignoring the license issue seems to work?
The file bar seems to have either a break or is missing some menu between RUN and PROCESSOR Expert
Clicking on Processor Expert/component wizard complains:
The chosen operation is not currently available.
regarding to question about PE and CW 10.0 and Linux - please note that some parts of Processor Expert still needed to be run in Windows enviroment even you have CW 10.0 beta on Linux, hence is there the message about using PE on Windows PC.
I think it is a general problem in beta 10 and it will persist in CW 10. FINAL. To avoid the problem it is recommended to start PE server onto another PC with Windows.
In case that you have not another PC there is possibility to use "Wine" to workaround the problem. However it is not supported solution and it was only tested within 32-bit Debian distribution.
For more details about using Wine on 64-bit platform please follow this link: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit
Helper script tested on Debian to configure clean install of Wine for using with Processor Expert:
# tested with wine version wine-1.0.1
wget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks
# sudo apt-get install cabextract
./winetricks msxml3 msxml6 winxp
Ports used for communication are 9998 and 9999.
best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team
Hi, I don't mean to be rude, but I don't understand why is there a Linux version of CW if it cannot be used without a windows platform, and, as I understood from an answer above, it won't be fixed in the final version? I though that the Processor Expert (and Device Initialization) problem on Linux would be fixed eventually, and that it would be released on a final version, but if it's not going to be that way, why bother on releasing a Linux version of CW that cannot be fully used on Linux as a standalone development suite?
Again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but I just don't see the point. Maybe there is a purpose on this release that I, as I'm still in college, don't know of, but I think the CW 10 should be used on Linux as on a Windows PC, without the need of a windows server.
First, I really don't know anything about the PE integration in Linux.
But even without PE, CW can be used to as a "as a standalone development suite".
Writing code, building it and using source code debugging is supported natively. That there is one RAD feature not supported without having something running on a windows server is unfortunate, but it does not make the rest unusable.
I'm having the same problem with device initilization under Linux. I have done:
./winetricks msxml3 msxml6 winxp
but I don't understand what I have to do next....
Could you be more precise about how to settup the PE server using wine?
Guillaume Sanahuja.
- Regarding to the question on running Component Wizard under Linux platform: Unfortunatelly Component Wizard is not suported under Linux because its currently still windows app. only. However, you can try to run the windows execuable, but there will be probably issues with transfering components to PE.
- Here are summarized instructions of runnig PE in wine:
Processor Expert / Processor Expert Server
No such option appears in the Processor Expert menu - I've verified that PEsrv.exe is running.
Does PEsrv.exe need to be started with any command-line switches?
PEeclipseSrv.exe [-port portnumber][-shutdown][-help]
-port Specify Processor Expert server port <portnumber>
-server Start Processor Expert server
-shutdown Stop Processor Expert server, disconnect all active connections
-log Create log in /Logs directory
-help Show this help
It is not in Processor Expert menu. As I wrote in my previous post you should use the menu command Window -> Preferences.
See the attached screenshot.
No command line switches are necessary for PEsrv.exe.
best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team
"Then select User remove server and set the removte server settings to address and port 9999."
From above should read "Then select User remote server and set the remote server settings to address and port 9999.
Also - this will not work with Java 5 runtime (32 bit) (throws up an error: Unable to create the selected preference page.
Bad version number in .class file) - only Java 6.
And now doing new bareboard project returns an empty list of devices - see attached.
.. confirmed PE is running:
$wine-auto PEsrv.exe
fixme:console:AttachConsole stub ffffffff
Processor Expert server application
(C) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Server is already running
I'm back on this with a newer version. I'm now dealing with:
"The P&E USB driver did not install properly."
It appears that I need to be able to reconfigure to build it for x86_64
configure: error: You are trying to install WinDriver for i386 on x86_64.
configure: error: You are trying to install WinDriver for i386 on x86_64.
make[1]: makefile.usb.kbuild: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `makefile.usb.kbuild'. Stop.
make: *** [clean] Error 2
make[1]: makefile.usb.kbuild: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `makefile.usb.kbuild'. Stop.
make: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: makefile.usb.kbuild: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `makefile.usb.kbuild'. Stop.
make: *** [all] Error 2
From http://www.jungo.com/st/support/installation_instructions.html#install_linux
Installation Instructions for Linux
System Requirements
* Any 32-bit x86 processor with a Linux 2.2.x (PCI/ISA only), 2.4.x or 2.6.x kernel
Any 64-bit x86 AMD64 or Intel EM64T (x86_64) processor with a Linux 2.4.x or 2.6.x kernel
Now working with a i386 box
Looks like something isn't specified:
Cannot get env. variable ALLUSERSPROFILE
Then later:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /home/karl/workspace/../../ide/Output/IDEDebug/libCWNative.so
Looks like a bad path to me.
I've attached the whole mess.
It appears that PEsrv.exe service running on a windows box is needed for device initialization to run on Linux - can someone verify that for me?
Is "device initialization" provided by the processor expert server?
The available update for 10.0 from http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/overview.jsp?nodeId=012726006178829C6F9CBE fails
I've attached the log file - - tried installin gupdates in different orders etc..
If you do this - you can get back to square one by deleting your ~/.eclipse directory
ProcessorExpert wrote:
...regarding to question about PE and CW 10.0 and Linux - please note that some parts of Processor Expert still needed to be run in Windows enviroment even you have CW 10.0 beta on Linux, ...
Ok - how about a link to the windoze version of PE we would need to run?
With a file name?
(Are you sure you want to call this "beta" at this point? )