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Contributor III


I'm trying to create a new BSP.  I had added the bsp_m51jmevb and psp_m51jmevb to my workspace and they have been built.  I wish to create a new configuration for my target hardware and I have copied the existing project directories for 51Jm128evb and renamed them to 51Jm128Pcc.  (mqx\build\cw10\bsp_m51jmPcc; lib\m51jmPcc.cw10 and config\m51JmPcc  Although I don't think config\m51jmPcc is used by CW10).  When I try to import the project (as I had done for the 51Jm128evl) I get an error that says "Some projects were hidden because they exist in the workspace directory" and I cannot continue.  Selecting some other BSP that is not part of my workspace allows me to continue.

Any thoughts?



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1 Solution
Specialist III



Problem is that you cannot open two projects with the same name in a workspace. When you are duplicating a project tree, the project name for the IDE is the same.


I am usually using following process when it goes around duplicating and renaming a project under CodeWarrior Eclipse:


  1- Remove the source project from the workspace (Click right on the project name and select delete.

      This will remove project from workspace, but not delete the folder from the disk.).

  2- Open a Windows Explorer and duplicate the whole project tree. Try to duplicate the project outside of the workspace.

       There are some Pb with some eclipse drop when you are duplicating the project inside of the workspace directory.

  3-Import the duplicated project in the workspace.

  4-Click right on the project name and select Rename 

  5-Give a meaningful name to the project


Once this is done, you can open both the original project and the duplicated one in the same Workspace.

Additionally once you are over here you can also move the duplicated project back to in the workspace directory if you prefer to work this way.

Just Remove the project from the workspace, move it over and import it back in the workspace.


Final note you may experience some trouble with the launch configuration files depending on the eclipse version you are using. In worst case you may have to re-create them manually for the duplicated project.



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3 Replies
Specialist III



Problem is that you cannot open two projects with the same name in a workspace. When you are duplicating a project tree, the project name for the IDE is the same.


I am usually using following process when it goes around duplicating and renaming a project under CodeWarrior Eclipse:


  1- Remove the source project from the workspace (Click right on the project name and select delete.

      This will remove project from workspace, but not delete the folder from the disk.).

  2- Open a Windows Explorer and duplicate the whole project tree. Try to duplicate the project outside of the workspace.

       There are some Pb with some eclipse drop when you are duplicating the project inside of the workspace directory.

  3-Import the duplicated project in the workspace.

  4-Click right on the project name and select Rename 

  5-Give a meaningful name to the project


Once this is done, you can open both the original project and the duplicated one in the same Workspace.

Additionally once you are over here you can also move the duplicated project back to in the workspace directory if you prefer to work this way.

Just Remove the project from the workspace, move it over and import it back in the workspace.


Final note you may experience some trouble with the launch configuration files depending on the eclipse version you are using. In worst case you may have to re-create them manually for the duplicated project.



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Contributor III



Thanks, that worked.  I am able to build a new project.  I used windows explorer to copy the necessary directories.  When I imported the project I did not copy the files into the workspace.  I fixed the paths and filenames to use the new project directory / file names as required.  However, the links maintained in the .project file for all the source files point to the original directory structure  - specifically for the mqx/bsp/m51jmevb files.  These files were copied when I initially copied the project files.  Is there a way within CW to point the "m51jmPcc BSP Files" Folder (which I renamed from the original m51jmevb folder) to the new bsp directory?  These are the files that I would most likely need to modify for my new BSP.  Each of the files within this folder show them being linked to the original directory.  Should I just do a mass edit on the ".project" file to fix these links?  Do you recommend that I copy the files into the project on import?


Another question, as a curiosity,  where does the "group" get set / defined? 





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Specialist III



You can add a linked folder to your project.

Proceed as follows:

    - Right click on the folder name and select File > New > Folder

    - Select the parent folder on the top of the dialog.

    - In the New Folder dialog click on Advanced >>.

    - Check Link to folder in the file system.

    - Browse for the location of the m51jmPcc BSP Files directory (you can use Variables if you do not want to

      use an absolute path here).

    - Click Finish.


Your project will just get pointer to the file in the specified directory.

Note that all files located in the specified directory will be added to the project. That means when attempting to do a rebuild from project the content of the directory  m51jmPcc BSP Files will be rebuild as well.


Information about groups is stored in file .cproject.



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