56F80x CodeWarrior Program S-record

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56F80x CodeWarrior Program S-record

Contributor III


I am having a heck of a time trying to figure out how to program an s-record to a 56F803, running Codewarrior 5.9 on a Windows XP 32-bit machine using a USB TAP.  I guess i have 2 problems at this point:

1.  I have a bootloader s-record file i want to program to these chips, i tried the load/save memory function in codewarrior but it doesn't seem to write the to the chip because when i read it back it is the same as before.  The address range is 0x8000 and the offset 0 and the size 2048.  The only way i can get something to program is if i open the 56F803 Example stationary Bootloader project and hit debug.  When i do this example program is programmed to the chip (verified by reading the memory back out).  And doing this leads into my second problem:

2.  Once i hit debug in the 56F803 bootloader project and it programs it i seem to lose the part.  After programming i am okay until power cycle, once the board is power cycled i am no longer able to connect to the part anytime i try i get:  "Interface function IMWProtocal::GetPreference is unimplemented" and hitting debug instead of connect produces:  "CCSProtocolPlugin: Uknown protocol error".  I opened the CCS to see more verbose messages and see this error on both actions:



USB TAP command done - Subcore error encountered during multicore operation


So i can't program the chips except with the example bootloader project and when i do that i seem to lose the chip forever.  So now i just have several bricked boards i can't seem to connect to or reprogram : /

Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated!!



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5 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, Jarrod,

As you know that the DSP56F803 has been released almost for 20 years, it is end of life now, so the new tools does not support the DSP56F803.

Regarding your question that you can not program the DSP56F803, I want to confirm whether the configuration is the  Codewarrior 5.9 on a Windows XP 32-bit machine using a USB TAP. If it is the case, I suppose that you can program the DSP56F803.

I suppose that you know how to select USBTAP in debug setting.


XiangJun Rong

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, Jarrod,

I think something is wrong for you. This is the procedures to load your application code to flash via bootloader.

1)as you have done, you can compile the bootloader and download the bootloader code to on-chip boot flash via CodeWarrior for DSP56800E tools via USBTAP device.

2)connect the RS232 cable between your board and compute, if your computer does not have RS232, you can use a usb_to_rs232 cable.

2)You can download application code to on-chip flash via RS232 or uart via HyperTerminal or Putty tools through the bootloader code.

4)As an alternative, you can download flashOverJtag.exe tools from the link. Run the flashoverjtag.exe on PC, then download the S-Recorder file to the DSP56F803 via flashoverjtag tools.

Flash-over-jtag.exe tools 

Pls download the UM of bootloader from the link and refer to it.


Hope it can help you


XiangJun Rong

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Contributor III


I am a bit confused, so step 1 is to program with code warrior, i did this and after i did it can no longer connect to the board anymore with the USB TAP!  I get the errors as defined in my original post now when i try to connect and so i cannot program it any more.  For step 3 that program seem to require a parallel port and NOT the USB TAP if i'm reading correctly.  Am i missing something here?


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi, Jarrod,

First of all, after you download bootloader code to DSP56F803, pls connect the SCI0 module of DSP56F803(PE0 is TXD0, PE1 is RXD1) to serial port, can you program the application S_Record file to flash of DSP56F803 via the bootloader and Hyperterminal or puTTY tools? I suppose that the setting is :

Baud rate 115200 bps
8N1 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit character format
Flow control protocol Xon / Xoff

After Hardware Reset, can you download any application code or bootloader to DSP56F803 via usbtap device and CodeWarrior for DSP56F800E tools?

Yes, flashOverJtag tools requires Wiggler(parallel command converter), the USBTAP is not supported.


XiangJun Rong

0 Kudos

Contributor III

Hello XiangJun,

Sorry for the delay, It seemed to program over the serial port but things are not working correctly so i think something is wrong.

No I am unable to connect to or program the part from codewarrior anymore even after many power cycles resets etc.  I can't connect to it anymore, i get the errors described in my original post.  It seems that as soon as i program the 56F803 Bootloader project to it from Codewarrior i am unable to program OR even connect to it ever again.  This has happened with 3 boards, they are now bricks.

Isn't there any new programming tools available that are compatible with these CPUs?  All of these tools only run on 32-bit Windows XP and/or require a built-in parallel port.  These systems are not easy to come by these days....


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