Hello Kirk,
On some of the earlier Motorola MCUs, the DDR were write-only registers, so that after being written, the contents could not be read back. I wonder if this might apply in your case?
Have you tested whether the required output pins actually operate as outputs?
A couple of possibilities:
I see you ORG at $C100. What type of memory is there?
It can't be internal memory because $C100 is in (unimplemented?) ROM (unless explicitly moved by writing to INIT). If it's external you're in expanded mode, not single-chip mode, so PORTC/DDRC can't be used. Could $C100 be a typo from $0100, a more common value used for testing short programs with EVBUs?
Second possibility, if you do load and run the program in RAM the registers may have been moved to another page by the loader. So, DDRC could be at $0007 instead of $1007, or even some other page.
Good luck
Message Edited by tonyp on 05-05-200601:35 PM