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Contributor I
I'm using the A version of this part because it accepts a crystal from 1 to 8Mhz, whereasa the "non A" accepts a 32KHz crystal.   I'm having a problem where the 8 MHz crystal is not oscillationg (I'm using 20 pF on each leg to ground).   I build 6-boards. the first two I put together (using samples from freescale) work.  The other 4-boards (micros were purchased) only 1 boards is oscillationg.  The other 3, the circuit is not working.  I am not using the phase lock loop.  I also tried a 4 and an 8 Mhz resonator.
I  replaced the micro on one of the boards and still the crystal is not oscillating.  The boards work find if I used an external oscillator.  This should be the simplest part of the total design.  Could the parts be mismarked and I actually received the "Non A" device.
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
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526 次查看
Contributor I
I currently have the board set-up with an 8-Mhz Ceramic Resonator (3-lead with built in 20 pF by-pass capactors) and 10M bypass resistor. I have tried all combination, 1Mhz Resistor, 4Mhz Resonator, 8Mhz crystal. I even have an FAE from Freescale create a small program based upon my schematic just to blink a led design with an 8Mhz crystal and no-phase loop loop. Same results. This board works fine with an external oscillator.
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526 次查看
Senior Contributor IV

Hi byteybird,

I presume you have 1 10Meg or so parallel resistor and NO series resistor (as you might with a 32kHz xtal).

Have you tried a "good" xtal in a "bad" board. I have seen quite a few "dud" crystals.

BR Peg


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