I am having trouble getting the GetChanValue(channel,void*) to work. I used processor expert to set up the A to D. The only methods I had it generate was the GetChanValue and Measure. I am only using 4 channels of the A to D. The first parameter it wants is the channel being measured. I declare the variable channel as a byte and set it to 0x01 for channel one. I can't seem to dereference the pointer to get converted value. I also set it up for 8 bit resolution. So I am assuming it will be a one byte value. Can some send me a code snippet with an example as how to use this.
Thanks in advance
You can find an example of using "GetChanValue" method in example: "(3) One conversion of a specified channel, with interrupt service" on page "Typical usage" in the help (menu command from pop-up menu) of ADC bean.
best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team