Hello Everyone.
Recently I was assigned a project. But to achieve that project, I need to make the MC9S08QE16 go below to 4uA with a extern RTC.
Currently I was able to achieve 25-22~uA with RTC and 8-7.5~uA without RTC.
I had read a lot in the forum but I cannot make it go below.
I will attach some picture and the code.
Processor Expert Components:
Processor Expert CPU config:
RTC config:
Thanks for advance.
Original Attachment has been moved to: Source-Code.txt.zip
I don't know if you're already doing these but, if not, you could try:
* Turn off the various unused peripherals (like, for example, the SCI). Turn it off means, in most cases, writing the default reset values to the related registers.
* Turn off all clocks to the various peripherals (that you don't need).
Order matters so you should first turn off, say, the SCI, and then remove its clock.
[Note: It's been a really long time I had to do this but I think that shutting off just the clock (say, to the SCI) did not reduce consumption as much as first turning the SCI off, and then its clock. I could be mistaken about the exact details, because it was many years ago, but there was some little quirk like this that took me a while to figure out, and it alone dropped consumption to acceptable levels.]
Hope it helps!
Thanks for answer.
I've already did it and not just the SCI.
TPM1SC = 0x00;
TPM2SC = 0x00;
TPM3SC = 0x00;
Thank you for answer again.
I've set the SCGC1 and SCGC2, but apparently It doesn't do anything different from before.
/*SCGC1: TPM3=0,TPM2=0,TPM1=0,ADC=0,??,IIC=0,SCI2=0,SCI1=0*/
SCGC1 = 0x00;
/*SCGC2: DBG=0,FLS=0,IRQ=0,KBI=0,ACMP=0,RTC=1, ??,SPI=0 */
SCGC2 = 0x04;
Note: SCGC2 = 0x04, because if I disable the RTC the current consumption goes up to 6 mA.
Right now with this set and the RTC clock enable it's consumption is 24-30~uA in stop3.
Do you any other suggestion?
Thank again.