Color Syntaxe for ASM code

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Color Syntaxe for ASM code

Contributor I
Hi for everbody,
I'd like to view color in my editor, but I´m using ASM code, and my changes on "Activate Syntaxe Colors" dont make difference.
Is it possible to view ASM code whit colors?
My CW version is 5.7 for HC(S)12.
Eduardo Vilela
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7 Replies

Specialist III
I am not sure which version of CodeWarrior you are using. To retrieve that info:
- Start CodeWarrior
- Select Help -> About Freescale CodeWarrior
- Click on "Install Products"
- CodeWarrior version used is displayed on top in the Installed Products dialog.
I did check with my CodeWarrior for HC12 V4.6 installation and I get syntax coloring working as expected there. I tried with the project {Install}\(CodeWarrior_Examples)\HC12\HC12 SIMULATOR\HC12 Asm_Fibo\HC12 Asm_Fibo (Simulator).mcp and I see comment written in red (as expected), instruction and directive written in blue, ...
I have a couple of questions to figure out what you are experiencing:
  - What is the extension of your assembly source file?
  - If you open your assembly source file in an edit window,  and click on the 4th icon in the edit
    window tool bar. Is the entry Syntax Coloring checked there?
  - Is your source file a real assembly source file or are you coding in inline assembly?
  - What is not working exactly? Are comments not displayed appropriately?, Symbol name?, ....
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Contributor I
The version that I mention, is wrong, sorry... is about the IDE. About CW the version is 4.5.
The basic syntaxe really appear, like comments in grey, instructions in blue, etc (except string, that not appear in pink)- but the syntaxe colors that I want is in window "IDE Preferences", item "Editor", sub-item "Text Color". The window have a field "Activate Syntaxe Color". The settings about Comments, Keywords is ok (Srings not). But, bellow this options, have a "Custom Keyword", where I suspect that the keyword taht I put in this items, must appear in especific colors. It´s my problem: they don´t appear in the color selected.

about your questions:
-my asm extention is ".ASM"
- yes, the "basic" syntax colors appears, the problem is about the color for the "Custom keywords"
- the assembly is not inline

If helps, I can put a image file to view better.
Thanks again!
Eduardo Vilela

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Specialist I
You may want to check out this forum thread where someone wanted the assembly language instructions a specific color. It may offer some help on your problem. HTH.

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Contributor I
Hi Tom,
It was checked before I write my question. It dont help me, I suppose, because my CW is not a "Metrowerks CodeWarrior for ADS 1.2 Suite" mentioned in that question. But, I tryed it, whit no success. I send a screen copy, where the instructions JSR should be in RED, but appears in blue.
Thanks again,
The image:
or a link
0 Kudos

Specialist III
When it comes to syntax coloring, keywords have higher priority than custom keyword.
All assembly instruction and directives are defined as keywords for the IDE. So you cannot define a different color for the instruction JSR. This is the way the IDE is working and cannot be changed.
Around strings, I assume that "abcdef" is not considered as a strings literal for assembly language syntax coloring.
You may want to submit a service request to get someone from the support team to investigate the issue for you..

Click here to submit a service request.

Make sure to attach a reproducible project and installed product information to the service request.
To generate the required information:
- Start CodeWarrior
- Open the project
- Select "Help" -> "Pack and Go" and follow instructions on the screen.

Attach the generated .zip file to the SR. 
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Contributor I

OK, so I cant see colors with my asm code.
Well, another way that I found is use my external editor (editplus: and use a CW IDE just for compile and call de DEBUG. But, now I´m trying to call de compiler (or assembler) and DEBUG IDE fron the external editor, but now I cant use the compiler/assembler: I cant found the correct parameters to pass to exe, and for the DEBUG, when I pass the parameters, the windows of the programs of the IDE is much different size positions, etc, in comparison with the foms that appear when CW call the DEBUG.
Someone have a example of syntaxes that I must use, for a ASSEMBLER and for DEBUG?
Thanks a lot for any help!

0 Kudos

Specialist III
You can start the compiler, assembler, linker from the command line.
First you need to understand how you need to configure your editor to start an external tool.
There are a couple of Technical Notes, which can help you to understand how to start Freescale tools through the command line.
I would recommend you to look at following  8-16-bit Technical Note:
   TN100: Using the Development Tools in batch mode
   TN73  : Configuring a Third Party Editor or IDE to Start Metrowerks Tools
 Additionally there are example of configuration for some editor (We do not have anything for editplus, so you will have to try it yourself).
  TN17: Integration into Microsoft Visual Studio (Visual C++ V5.0 or later)
  TN91: Using CodeWright V5.0 as an IDE
  TN94: Using UltraEdit V6.1 as an IDE
  TN96: Using Metrowerks tools with WinEdit98 and later
  TN98: Using Development Tools Kit with WinIDEA
You can download the 8-16-bit technical notes from our web site.
  - Click on the link "HC(S)08/RS08 Microcontrollers "
  - Click the "Documentation" Tab
  -  Search for "816TNSP" and download it.
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