Summary of FRDM-K22F debug interface

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Summary of FRDM-K22F debug interface

Summary of FRDM-K22F debug interface

NXP Freedom K22F is an ultra-low-cost development platform for Kinetis K22 MCUs. This board is already widely used among NXP customers.


The FRDM-K22F platform features OpenSDAv2.1, which is a bit different as OpenSDAv2 on FRDM-K64F board.  The NXP open source hardware embedded serial and debug adapter running an open source bootloader. This circuit offers several options for serial communication, flash programming, and run-control debugging. User who works with KDS3.0 can choose Segger J-Link OpenSDA, P&E OpenSDA interface, or Mbed interface.  For each of the option, user need update debugger firmware first.  I will introduce each of them one by one.


All the related driver and firmware will be enclosed in this article as attachment.


Enjoy KDS + FRDM-K22F debugging. :-)

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Last update:
‎03-14-2016 08:28 PM
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