Example MPC5643L TSENS Temperature_calculation CW210

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Example MPC5643L TSENS Temperature_calculation CW210

Example MPC5643L TSENS Temperature_calculation CW210


* Detailed Description:

* Application performs basic initialization, setup PLL to maximum allowed freq.,

* initializes and display notice via UART terminal and then terminal ECHO. It

* calculates temperature using TSENS0 and TSENS1 and prints it to the terminal.


* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Test HW:         xPC564xLKIT, PPC5643L Cut3 silicon

* Target :         internal_FLASH, RAM

* Fsys:            120 MHz PLL0

* Debugger:        Lauterbach Trace32

*                  PeMicro USB-ML-PPCNEXUS

* Terminal:        19200-8-no parity-1 stop bit-no flow control via LINFlex0

* EVB connection:  default



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Last update:
‎07-29-2014 03:27 AM
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