I've recently upgraded a project to MCUXpresso 11.1.1_3241 from version 10.3.1_2233 and it needed some effort to perform the upgrade but now the project compile without problems.
But now I have a lot of error from the GNU Linker(I think from the parser) - in the project we are using a custom made ld files.
Here a screenshot of the errors
In the previous version we had none of them.
what is strange is that all these .ld files are in folder that are excluded from compilation - but yes also our custom ld reports error but different from those arm and gcc related.
I've also removed from error parsers the GNU Linker, but error are still here.
I'm able to flash the davice, but is quite annoying to have all these errors signaled.
is it possible to deactivete this funcionality?
Hi Francesco,
as a workaround to disable/deactivate it:
finally delete any pending errors in the Problems View:
I hope this helps,
Hi Erich,
thx for the answer and for opening a ticket.
Unfortunately, if I perform a clean+rebuild, errors are raised again :smileysad:
What is strange:
In the project settings, I can't disable them.
I confirm that this solution doesn't work (configuring .ld to be opened with text editor). After rebuild the errors reappears annoyingly:
Hi Franccesco,
please do *not* change the error parsers: they have nothing to do what we are discussing here.
Instead, change the editor selection as I have shown above. I did that with your files and it worked as expected.
Hi Francesco,
to my knowldedge there is no option to disable it (but I had submitted a ticket asking for it).
There seems to be a problem with the actual linker script awareness feature that was added in IDE v11.0.0. The errors are harmless from a build/debug perspective. Most likely, they are the result of an incomplete grammar implementation inside the IDE. With this in mind, would you please attach the linker scripts that generate the problems seen in the screenshot?
MCUXpresso IDE Support
in attachment.
There seems to be a problem with the actual linker script awareness feature that was added in IDE v11.0.0. => yeah, looks like. There is a way to disable it ?
Consider that error are also raised/deteced in ARM generic linkser scripts like ARMCMx.ld and gcc_cs.ld.