I need want to export the contents of an array to so I can plot it.
How do I export/copy/paste data from the debugger (S32DS) to my host system ?
Hello Mark,
there are several options:
1) You can either printf() it using semihosting console (currently supported by S32DS for ARM).
or you can copy&paste array directly in the Expression View:
Pasted array:
array[0] float 1 array[1] float 2 array[2] float 3 array[3] float 4.5
or you can perform memory dump of your "array" object:
There are several settings to customize the view (e.g. number of columns, precision...):
You can also copy&paste the content directly from view or export the dump as a binary/srec file (raw data):
Pasted array:
0x1FFFF000 1.000000E0 0x1FFFF004 2.000000E0 0x1FFFF008 3.000000E0 0x1FFFF00C 4.500000E0
exported raw binary file "array.txt":
0000803F 00000040 00004040 00009040
Hope it helps!