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Mar 13, 2020: imx_builder_03122020.tgz  --- change the i.MX8MN  configuration.  Dec 11, 2019: imx_builder_12112019.tgz --- add support  L4.19.35_1.1.0 August 28, 2019:  imx_builder_08282019.tgz   --- add i.MX8MM July 03, 2019:  imx_builder_07032019.tgz --- add i.MX8QM: build_i.MX8  Feb 26, 2020: imx_builder_02262020 --- add i.MX8MN, add spl m4 for build_i.MX8, build_i.MX8X with L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga, L4.14.98_2.2.0, L4.19.35_1.1.0 imx_builder_02262020: imx_builder |-- atf -> bsp/imx-atf |-- bsp -> REL/rel_imx_4.19.35_1.1.0 |-- build -> build_i.MX8X/L4.19.35_1.1.0 |-- build_i.MX6 |   |-- L3.0.x |   |-- L3.1x.xx |   |-- L4.14.xx |   |-- L4.19.xx |   `-- L4.1.xx |-- build_i.MX8 |   |-- before_L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga |   |-- L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga |   |-- L4.14.98_2.2.0 |   `-- L4.19.35_1.1.0 |-- build_i.MX8M |   |-- before.L4.19.35 |   `-- L4.19.35 |-- build_i.MX8MM |   |-- before.L4.19.35 |   `-- L4.19.35 |-- build_i.MX8MN |   `-- L4.19.35 |-- build_i.MX8X |   |-- before_L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga |   |-- L4.14.98_2.0.0_ga |   |-- L4.14.98_2.2.0 |   `-- L4.19.35_1.1.0 |-- dts -> linux/arch/arm/boot/dts |-- dts64 -> linux/arch/arm64/boot/dts/freescale |-- dts_uboot -> u-boot/arch/arm/dts |-- imx-mkimage -> bsp/imx-mkimage |-- linux -> bsp/linux-imx |-- m4_img |   |-- m4_1_image.bin -> rpmsg_lite_str_echo_rtos_imxcm4.bin |   |-- m4_image.bin -> power_mode_switch.bin |   `-- readme.txt |-- Makefile -> build/Makefile |-- Others |   |-- clk_module |   |-- cryptodev-linux-1.8 |   |-- helloworld_module |   |-- key_blob_module |   `-- spi |-- out |-- README -> build/README |-- REL |-- scfw -> bsp/scfw |-- SETTINGS.MK -> build/SETTINGS.MK |-- toolchains |   `-- scfw |-- u-boot -> bsp/uboot-imx `-- VERSION.MK imx_builder is a set of Makefile for build u-boot, Linux kernel, atf, scfw, imx-mkimage.  You can call it standalone build. here is the step to try it.  You can use  -n for make to get the detail build steps. ex:  make atf -n         make linux.Image -n L4.14.78_ga as example: 1. Untar  imx_builder_02282019.tgz 2. Read the  Standalone_Build_Preparation.pdf inside to prepare the bsp. 3. Prepare the toolchains(populate_sdk from yocto, get from linaro, get from buildroot, etc.) 4. Prepare scfw toolchains following the SCFW Porting Kit.  5. Follow the Standalone_Build_Preparation.pdf to check if the Build Structure is correct. Build Structure L4.14.78_1.0.0_ga as example. Prepare rel_imx_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga in REL Make symbol link to REL/rel_imx_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga Make symbol link to build_i.MX8X   imx_builder/ |-- atf -> bsp/imx-atf |-- bsp -> REL/rel_imx_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga |-- build -> build_i.MX8X |-- build_i.MX6 |-- build_i.MX8M |-- build_i.MX8X |   |-- Makefile -> Makefile.4.14.78_ga |   |-- Makefile.4.14.78_ga |   |-- README |   |-- SETTINGS_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga.MK |   |-- SETTINGS.MK -> SETTINGS_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga.MK |   `-- VERSION.MK |-- dts -> linux/arch/arm/boot/dts |-- imx-mkimage -> bsp/imx-mkimage |-- linux -> bsp/linux-imx |-- Makefile -> build/Makefile |-- Others |-- out |-- README -> build/README |-- REL |   `-- rel_imx_4.14.78_1.0.0_ga |       |-- firmware-imx-8.0.bin |       |-- imx-atf |       |-- imx-mkimage |       |-- imx-sc-firmware-1.1.bin(optional) |       |-- imx-scfw-porting-kit-1.1.tar.gz |       |-- linux-imx |       `-- uboot-imx |-- scfw -> bsp/scfw |-- SETTINGS.MK -> build/SETTINGS.MK |-- Standalone_Build_Preparation.pdf |-- toolchains |   `-- scfw |       `-- gcc-arm-none-eabi-6-2017-q2-update |-- u-boot -> bsp/uboot-imx `-- VERSION.MK -> build/VERSION.MK
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MYIR introduces a 7-inch HMI display panel with capacitive touch screen, the MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI, which runs Linux on NXP’s i.MX 6ULL ARM Cortex-A7 processor, is specially designed for HMI systems like POS, intelligent access control and more other applications. It provides many peripheral interfaces and much software resources. More information can be found at: http://www.myirtech.com/list.asp?id=604                                      MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI Display Panel                   MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI Display Panel + MYB-Y6ULX-HMI-4GEXP IO Board
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MYIR launches a 7-inch HMI display panel with capacitive touch screen, the MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI, which runs Linux on NXP’s i.MX6 ULL ARM Cortex-A7 processor, is specially designed for HMI system like POS, intelligent access control and more other applications. It provides many peripheral interfaces and much software resources. Know more at MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI | 7-inch HMI Display Solution based on NXP i.MX 6UL/6ULL-Welcome to MYIR 
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MYIR launches a 7-inch HMI display panel with capacitive touch screen, the MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI, which runs Linux on NXP’s i.MX6 ULL ARM Cortex-A7 processor, is specially designed for HMI system like POS, intelligent access control and more other applications. It provides many peripheral interfaces and much software resources. Know more at MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI | 7-inch HMI Display Solution based on NXP i.MX 6UL/6ULL-Welcome to MYIR 
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NXP i.MX8M Mini SoC, quad-core ARM Cortex-A53, 1.8GHz Integrated 2D/3D GPU and 1080p VPU Up to 4GB LPDDR4 and 64GB eMMC Certified dual-band WiFi 802.11ac, BT 4.2 GbE, PCIe, 2x USB, 4x UART, 60x GPIO Tiny size and weight - 28 x 38 x 5 mm, 7 gram Yocto Linux and Android - BSPs and ready-to-run images Industrial temperature range: -40° to 85° C 10-year availability CompuLab's UCM-iMX8M-Mini is a miniature System-on-Module board designed for integration into industrial embedded applications. Measuring just 28 x 38 mm, UCM-iMX8M-Mini is an ideal solution for space constrained and portable systems. UCM-iMX8M-Mini Detailed Spec UCM-iMX8M-Mini Development Kit UCM-iMX8M-Mini Online Pricing
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澳洲大学挂科怎么办联系QQ1252839746,考试挂科作弊、GPA低被开除退学、收到学术警告。澳洲大学2018 S1的Final成绩已经在陆续发放了,拿到成绩的时候,有些人难免会沮丧,复习了的内容没考,考的内容没复习,所以就有科目理所应当的挂科了…… 澳洲大学向来是宽!进!严!出!随着成绩的公布,小伙伴们都在问挂科了到底该怎么办?一起来了解一下不同情况的挂科该如何处理吧! 同一学期挂科科目挂科小于等于50% 什么叫挂科科目小于等于50%呢?各大学的课程设置都是一学期4门课,如果你在一学期中挂了1-2门,但是还没有出现double fail(一科已经连续fail两次以上),那么学校不会对你有任何行动,下学期一定要争取4门全部Pass来弥补! 同一学期挂科科目挂科大于等于50% 大于等于50%的意思就是如果在一学期中挂了2门以上课程,那一般学校就会采取第一次行动了,会对你发出一封警告信! 学校出勤率低于80% 和挂科无关,但非常重要。如果同学们在一学期中,因各种原因出勤率不满80%的,并且针对这过低的出勤率没有合理的理由,学校也会先对你做出警告需要解释,如果理由没有被学校接受,学校也有资格将你上报移民局,移民局可以会跟据情况取消签证。 努力学习却还是挂科 如果是平时十分努力却还是掌控不了挂科的同学门要及早正视自己的问题,对自己挂科的原因进行总结,可能是由于专业不适合,学习能力不够,学校和你的学习理念存在差异……而这类学生最重要的就是正视自己的情况考虑转学校或者是换专业。 警告信解释 当你不幸收到开除警告信后,书面解释的质量非常重要。 首先,解释列举的原因,一定是不可控的因素,由此导致的学习成绩差;接着表明自己坚信可以完成学业,并列举理由;最后认真的规划应该如何去克服困难,努力提高成绩。 如果以身体健康原因作为理由,必须准备辅助材料,如医生开具的证明等,一同上交。校方受理后会决定十分需要召开听证会,听证会后即会给出解释结果。 转校 这里需要提醒小伙伴们如果被公立大学开除,则无法转到其它公立大学继续学习,只能转到各种私立大学或学院,但可以在收到学校警告信后,马上开始准备转学事宜,在开除程序正式开始之前申请转学。 转学 若未读满6个月的课程就申请转学,首先需要获得想转学学校OFFER,然后向在读学校申请Release letter(放行信),在读学校会根据转学政策和程序审核申请,再决定是否发放Release letter; 如果已经在主课学校就读超过六个月,一般学校都会同意学生的转学申请。 在澳洲挂科除了昂贵的学费外,还有可能会面临强制退学和取消学生签证,并且3年都不得进入澳洲,所以要谨慎对待每次考试,澳洲大学挂科改成绩(Q1252839746)挂科GPA成绩修改,解决被退学开除等问题。
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MYIR introduces a 7-inch HMI display panel with capacitive touch screen, the MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI, which is based on NXP’s i.MX6 ULL ARM Cortex-A7 processor and ready to run Linux, specially designed for HMI systems for POS, Intelligent access control and more other applications.   MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI Display Panel The MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI Display Panel consists of an MYD-Y6ULX-HMI Development Board and a 7-inch capacitive LCD mounting on its top. The MYD-Y6ULX-HMI is built around MYIR’s MYC-Y6ULX CPU Module with 528MHz i.MX6 ULL SoC, 256MB DDR3 and 256MB Nand Flash. Many peripheral interfaces are available from the base board including RS232, RS485, Ethernet, USB Host/Device, LCD, Camera, TF card slot and etc. The 7-inch capacitive LCD offers 800x480 pixels display resolution.   MEasyHMI QT demo   MYD-Y6ULX-HMI Development Board Apart from the hardware, MYIR also provides software resources to help with customers’ development. The MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI is preloaded with Linux OS. MYIR provides plenty of resources including kernel and drivers in source code, application examples and an MEasyHMI QT demo for developers to start their development rapidly. The MYD-Y6ULX-HMI development board has two 2.0mm pitch 2*20-pin male headers for IO extension. User can customize their own IO boards to connect with the MYD-Y6ULX-HMI to further explore more functions. MYIR offers an IO board MYB-Y6ULX-HMI-4GEXP as an option for users which has extended WiFi & BT, USB based 4G LTE Module interface, Audio and GPIOs. Thus, making the MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI Display Panel a complete solution for HMI applications. MYB-Y6ULX-HMI-4GEXP IO Board   MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI Display Panel + MYB-Y6ULX-HMI-4GEXP IO Board The MYD-Y6ULX-CHMI is only pricing at USD99/pc and the optional MYB-Y6ULX-HMI-4GEXP is USD35/pc. More information about the product can be found at: http://www.myirtech.com/list.asp?id=604
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英国是大多数留学生向往的留学深造目的地之一,(【联系方式QQ-1252839746】当面临诸多例如:Probation、Withdrawal、Suspension、Dismissal、等学术警告问题的时候,很多学生选择了联系我们修改成绩单达到学分GPA要求或删除学术不良记录重新回到学校。)很多留学生在美国学习后都学到了很多知识,成长为更好的自己。但是,在学习过程中,难免遇到磕磕绊绊,比如:刚来到美国会遇到Culture shock(文化冲突);刚入学会听不懂老师的授课内容;生活上出现各种不可预期的困难;mid-term和final期间没日没夜地复习。历练中,很多学生成功克服困难,顺利完成学业,但也有一部分学生面对过 停学 ( Suspension )的尴尬。不过幸好美国愿意给犯错的学生二次入学的机会,并专门针对停学及开除学生提供一个申请流程,称为 Readmission (再次申请录取)。被停学的学生可以曲线救国,最终成功回到原来的校园。 学生被美国学校停学的理由有很多,例如作弊被抓丶GPA低丶违反校规丶代写代考被发现等等。在达到相应严重程度时,学校会给予学生短则一个季度或一个学期,长则一年甚至两年以上的停学处分。在被停学后,大多数学生都想在停学结束后重新回到原学校。那么学生就会面临 Readmission(重新申请录取/重新接纳)的情况。 T同学是美国某大学大二的学生,在被学校停学后,选择了回国待一年。但是当T同学在结束一年的停学后,提出 Readmission 想要重回学校时,学校却拒绝了T同学的请求,T同学一头雾水。 其实 Readmission 时,需要注意的细节有很多,但是大家往往忽略了这些重要内容。下面我们来详细讲解一下跟原学校申请再次录取的注意事项: 各大学对Readmission要求都不同 首先,学生被 停学 ( Suspension )后,学校对于Readmission有着不同程度的入学要求: 1丶停学期限一到,有的学校是无过多要求,直接颁发新的I-20让学生回到学校,这也是最轻松的Readmission。停学期间,学生需要进行一定的自我反省,并积极调整学习方法和学习知识。 2丶也有一部分的学校对再次申请入学是有要求的,涉及到学生需要在反省后,向学校提交Readmission申请表格及个人陈述,审核通过后,学生才能回到学校。 3丶最难的Readmission是学校要求学生重新入学前进行自我完善和提高,例如进行本学校暑期课程的学习或者在其他机构的学习,证明自己是有继续在原学校读书的能力同时可能会要求提供一些额外的支持材料。 申请时间有限制 学生需要仔细研究学校的开始申请日期和截止日期,并及时提交相关材料。如果错过了申请的时间,学生可能会错过重新入学的学期。T同学就是因为没有注意到截止时间,没有及时提交学校要求的材料,导致Readmission阶段仍需要进行二次申请。 停学期间不要贪图玩耍 建议学生停学期间不要回国。很多学生在国内把停学当作放假,各地游玩儿,在家打游戏,吃喝玩乐。这样极其不利于Readmission的申请,重新回到原学校的机率也会降低。 Readmission申请有风险 并不是所有申请Readmission的学生都会通过。学校对于每一位Readmission的学生都会严格的考量。包括学生停学期间的表现和回国态度,重新入学的提交材料审核等,如被认为不具有继续在原学校读书能力的学生有被拒风险。 当面临诸多例如:Probation、Withdrawal、Suspension、Dismissal、等学术警告问题的时候,很多学生选择了联系我们修改成绩单达到学分GPA要求或删除学术不良记录重新回到学校。【联系方式QQ-1252839746】
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Hi all.  The display does not output normally. 1. This is the screen of the problem. 2. This is a screen that should come out normally.  Therefore, it is necessary to review whether the settings are correct in the bootloader and the kernel. Below are the system information and tasks. - Hardware system Module: Apalis iMX6, Ixora Carrier Board v1.1 LVDS 2 port : LA123WF4-SL05, 12.3”WU (1920 X RGB X 720) TFT- LCD - Operation system boot2qt : Boot to Qt for Embedded Linux 2.3.4 bootloader: U-Boot 2016.11-dirty kernel : Linux version 4.1.44-2.7.5+g18717e2 - LCD timing - Device Tree of kernel, arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-apalis.dtsi mxcfb1: fb@0 { compatible = "fsl,mxc_sdc_fb"; disp_dev = "ldb"; interface_pix_fmt = "RGB24"; default_bpp = <24>; int_clk = <0>; late_init = <0>; status = "disabled"; // "okey" in arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6qdl-apalis-ixora-v1.1.dtsi }; &ldb { status = "okay"; split-mode; // dual-mode; lvds-channel@0 { reg = <0>; fsl,data-mapping = "spwg"; /* "jeida"; */ fsl,data-width = <24>; crtc = "ipu2-di1"; primary; status = "okay"; display-timings { native-mode = <&timing01>; timing01: 1920x720 { clock-frequency = <89400000>; hactive = <1920>; vactive = <720>; hback-porch = <96>; hfront-porch = <30>; vback-porch = <3>; vfront-porch = <3>; hsync-len = <2>; vsync-len = <2>; }; }; }; lvds-channel@1 { reg = <1>; fsl,data-mapping = "spwg"; fsl,data-width = <24>; crtc = "ipu1-di0"; status = "okay"; display-timings { timing02: 1920x720 { clock-frequency = <89400000>; hactive = <1920>; vactive = <720>; hback-porch = <96>; hfront-porch = <30>; vback-porch = <3>; vfront-porch = <3>; hsync-len = <2>; vsync-len = <2>; }; }; }; }; - u-boot env vidargs=video=mxcfb0:dev=ldb,1920x720@60,if=RGB24, video=mxcfb1:off video=mxcfb2:off video=mxcfb3:off - kernel log : [ 0.244330] MIPI DSI driver module loaded [ 0.244682] ldb 2000000.aips-bus:ldb@020e0008: split mode [ 0.244951] ldb 2000000.aips-bus:ldb@020e0008: split mode or dual mode, ignoring second output [ 0.245615] 20e0000.hdmi_video supply HDMI not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.247074] mxc_sdc_fb fb@0: registered mxc display driver ldb [ 0.262134] mxc_sdc_fb fb@0: 1920x720 h_sync,r,l: 2,30,96 v_sync,l,u: 2,3,3 pixclock=89405000 Hz [ 0.272800] imx-ipuv3 2800000.ipu: IPU DMFC DP HIGH RESOLUTION: 1(0,1), 5B(2~5), 5F(6,7) [ 0.306740] mxc_sdc_fb fb@0: 1920x720 h_sync,r,l: 2,30,96 v_sync,l,u: 2,3,3 pixclock=89405000 Hz [ 0.354510] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 240x45 [ 0.389237] mxc_sdc_fb fb@1: mxcfb1 is turned off! [ 0.389484] mxc_sdc_fb fb@2: mxcfb2 is turned off! [ 0.389720] mxc_sdc_fb fb@3: mxcfb3 is turned off! : - Run fbset of target root@b2qt-apalis-imx6:~# fbset mode "1920x720-60" # 😧 89.405 MHz, H: 43.655 kHz, V: 59.966 Hz geometry 1920 720 1920 1440 24 timings 11185 96 30 3 3 2 2 accel false rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,0/0 endmode Is there anything else to check? Thanks.
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Imx6 can output lvds direct.But the lvds-wire is too  expensive to buy. So they can cannect ds90ub947 serializer to applied in automotive instrumentation. By the way, it need a ds90ub948 deserializer in the remote which cannect a lvds displayer. The attachment is the driver of ds90ub947/948 for linux.It can  support linux 3.10 and above.It was verified working on linux 3.10.53 and imx6q. The attachment list: ds90ub947.c ds90ub947.h readme.txt You can follow the readme to use it. This driver was barely in embryo.You should modify it according to your application. Sometime, it very looks like the ds90ub913/914 and max9286/96705.
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The video gives an introduction of MYIR's MYS-6ULX Single Board Computer which is powered by 528MHz NXP https://community.nxp.com/tags#/?tags=imx%206ul / https://community.nxp.com/tags#/?tags=imx6ull ARM # Processor, specially designed for Industry 4.0 (Industrie 4.0) and Internet of Things (https://community.nxp.com/tags#/?tags=iot%3B) applications. More information can be found at MYIR's website: http://www.myirtech.com/list.asp?id=561                               MYS-6ULX Single Board Computer                       A Complete Embedded System based on NXP i.MX 6UL/6ULL Solution
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Imx6 can output lvds direct.But the lvds-wire is too  expensive to buy. So they can cannect ds90ub947 serializer to applied in automotive instrumentation. By the way, it need a ds90ub948 deserializer in the remote which cannect a lvds displayer. The attachment is the driver of ds90ub947/948 for linux.It can  support linux 3.10 and above.It was verified working on linux 3.10.53 and imx6q. The attachment list: ds90ub947.c ds90ub947.h readme.txt You can follow the readme to use it. This driver was barely in embryo.You should modify it according to your application. Sometime, it very looks like the ds90ub913/914 and max9286/96705.
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e-con Systems launches the 13MP Autofocus 4-lane MIPI camera board for NXP i.MX6. This camera is based on 1/3.2" AR1335 CMOS image sensor with advanced 1.1µm pixel BSI technology from ON Semiconductor® and an integrated high-performance image signal processor (ISP) that performs all the Auto functions (Auto White Balance, Auto Exposure control). Target Applications Kiosk Documents Reader/Scanner Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Autonomous Robotic Systems Mobile Medical Imaging Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA) Features Benefits Advanced 1.1µm pixel BSI technology Delivers superior low-light image quality and produces accurate color reproduction 1080p @80 fps - YUV422 High quality HD video playback Interlaced High Dynamic Range (iHDR) Allows to capture clear images in both extreme lighting conditions Pan Tilt Digital Zoom(Upto 8x) Allows to get a closer view of far-away objects Autofocus Allows users to reliably and easily maintain sharp focus on subjects as they move throughout the frame
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e-con Systems announces their new System-On-Module aimed for Applications which require higher GPU performance and faster network connectivity. eSOMiMX6PLUS System-On-Module is based on NXP’s QuadPLUS/DualPLUS ARM Cortex™ A9 Processor running up to 1.2GHz, featuring 3 high speed Camera interfaces with support for 13MP Camera and supporting 802.11 ac Wi-Fi network. The eSOMiMX6PLUS at volumes is available at USD79 onwards and samples can be bought from the Webstore. Customers wanting to evaluate thee SOMiMX6PLUS, can do so by ordering the AnkaaPLUS development kit from e-con’s Webstore. The development kit, among other accessories, also includes a13MP camera board, 5MP camera board and 7” LCD panel. 
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Measuring only 70mm by 55mm, the MYS-6ULX designed by MYIR is a high-performance low-cost Single Board Computer (SBC) specially designed for industry and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. It is based on NXP i.MX 6UL/6ULL processor family which features the most efficient ARM Cortex-A7 core and can operate at speeds up to 528 MHz. The MYS-6ULX Single Board Computer supports Yocto and Debian OS. Here we take Debian OS as an example.   The programming procedure:      Prepare an SD card. Open the image file of OS “mys6ull-debian8.rootfs.sdcard” with Win32Disk Imager, then program it into the SD card.      Power on the MYS-6ULX board. Insert the SD card to the slot, set the dip switch to 0101. Connect the serial port cable and USB power cable to the board, then power on the board.      Login in the system. The user name is root and the pass word is 123456. View the system information with command cat/etc/issue, the system version is Debian8 as shown below, which means the OS has been programmed into the SD card successfully. The develop environment I work on PC is Ubuntu VMS, ARMGCC compiler is needed to be installed in the Ubuntu VMS. We can check if the compiler is available with instruction arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc–v. Ubuntu16 comes with a 5.4 version compiler as below: We need to install a compiler if the system doesn’t come with one. The toolkit MYIR provided contains that compiler. Open the folder 03-Tools\Toolchain, there is a package named “gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz”. Copy this package into a folder of VMS and use commands below to extract it. xz -dgcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz tar -xfgcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar We would have a file named gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf after unpacking, then use instruction below to set the compiler: export PATH= $PATH:$DEV_ROOT/\gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin exportCROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihfexport ARCH=arm View the compiler version again, the information printed on the screen should be: We can see the compiler version is 4.9.3. Then all the settings of develop environment has been completed.
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Boundary Devices is pleased to announce that its i.MX8M-based SBC Nitrogen8M is available and in stock! https://boundarydevices.com/product/nitrogen8m-imx8/  Nitrogen8M specifications The Nitrogen8M comes pre-populated with the most robust set of connectivity options available to allow for rapid development and validation of your next project. The boards are also be built with Boundary Device’s industry-leading, production-ready standards and include options such as industrial temp and conformal coating. All this allows the Nitrogen8M to be used as an evaluation platform or production-ready solution. Review the full list of the specifications below. More information including pricing and availability can be found on the Nitrogen8M product page: CPU — i.MX 8M Quad Core (x4 Cortex-A53 @ 1.5GHz; Cortex-M4 @ 266MHz) RAM — 2GB LPDDR4 (4GB Optional) Storage — 8GB eMMC (upgradeable to 128GB) GPU — Vivante GC7000Lite Camera — x2 4-lane MIPI-CSI Display — x1 HDMI (w/CEC) and x1 MIPI DSI several MIPI-DSI displays options available Wireless — 802.11 ac and Bluetooth 4.1 BD-SDMAC Module (QCA9377) Networking — Gigabit Ethernet port Other I/O: x3 USB 3.0 Host ports x1 USB 3.0 OTG port x3 I2C x1 SPI x3 RS-232 x1 SD/MMC x1 RTC + battery x2 PCIe (1 Mini-PCIE connector, 1 on expansion connector) x1 JTAG Power — 5V DC input Operating Temperature — 0 to 70°C (Industrial Optional) Operating System — Yocto, Ubuntu/Debian, Buildroot, FreeRTOS (M4 Core), Android Demos As some people say, a video is worth a thousand words, so let's just share what can run on that platform already: Nitrogen8M Crank Storyboard Demo - YouTube  Nitrogen8M Yocto GPU SDK Demo - YouTube  Nitrogen8M Android 8.1 Qt5 + 4k video demo - YouTube  Source code access The bootloader and kernel source code are already available publicly on our GitHub account: GitHub - boundarydevices/u-boot-imx6 at boundary-imx_v2017.03_4.9.51_imx8m_ga  GitHub - boundarydevices/linux-imx6 at boundary-imx_4.9.x_2.0.0_ga  Android has been officially released: https://boundarydevices.com/android-oreo-8-1-0-release-for-nitrogen8m/  Some benchmarking has been done to compare against previous i.MX6 CPUs Yocto BSP is on the way, Boundary Devices is actively contributing to the community BSP: meta-freescale-3rdparty/nitrogen8m.conf at master · Freescale/meta-freescale-3rdparty · GitHub  Ubuntu Bionic Beaver beta image is also available upon request (please contact support@boundarydevices.com). Feel free to contact us for more information: info@boundarydevices.com.
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The MEasy HMI developed by MYIR is a set of human-machine interfaces which contains a local HMI based on QT5 and a Web HMI based on Python2 back-end and HTML5 front-end. It runs on development boards with LCD, touch panel, Ethernet and so on. The dependency software includes dbus, connman and QT5 applications, python, tornado and other components. The video gives a demonstration on how to use the examples in MEasy HMI on MYIR's MYD-Y6ULX development board. It also applies to MYIR's MYS-6ULX Single Board Computer.
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MEasy HMI QT Demo on MYIR's MYD-6ULX development boards. This demo applied to NXP i.MX6UL series development boards of MYIR currently. Welcome to visit our website www.myirtech.com.
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The MYC-Y6ULX CPU Module is designed by MYIR, which is an embedded controller board based on NXP’s i.MX 6UL / 6ULL ARM Cortex-A7 processor capable of running at 528MHz. The MYD-Y6ULX development board is built around the MYC-Y6ULX CPU Module, it is a complete evaluation platform for your prototype and reference design. Compared with MYS-6ULX board which is released by MYIR earlier, the MYC-Y6ULX CPU Module is better suited for your next embedded design to accelerate your pace to market and reduce cost. Typical applications are for Industry Control, Communications, HMI, Smart Healthcare, Internet of Things (IoT), etc.              The MYD-Y6ULX development board is delivered with necessary cable accessories including one 12V/2A power adapter, one net cable of 1.5m length, one Micro USB cable, one 4G LTE antenna, one WiFi antenna and one product disk. I noticed that the MYD-6ULX board has one USB based Mini PCI-e interface for 4G module. MYIR has provided 4G antenna but the 4G module is only as an option. Measuring only 37mm by 39mm, the MYC-Y6ULX CPU Module is a highly integrated controller board for the MYD-Y6ULX development board populated on an expansion board which measures 105mm by 140mm and extend a rich set of peripherals through headers and connector like Serial ports, USB, Ethernet, CAN, Micro SD card, WiFi module, LCD, Touch screen, Camera, Audio as well as a Mini PCIe interface for optional USB based 4G LTE module. The function block diagram for the MYD-Y6ULX development board is show as below:    We can see the hardware peripherals and interfaces from the image below: All the on-board components are placed on the top side of the board, we can see only some through-holes on the bottom side of the board. On the MYD-Y6ULX board, there is a 2.4G WiFi module which is based on Broadcom 43362 chipset. The WiFi module is connected to the board through SDIO interface and provides full function of 802.11b/g/n. Its antenna uses the SMA antenna interface reserved on the board. But please note if the MYC-Y6ULX CPU Module is using eMMC and the board will not support WiFi as the eMMC will reuse the same SDIO interface with WiFi module. On the MYD-Y6ULX board, there is a USB based Mini PCIe interface for 4G LTE module. MYIR has provided Linux driver and example for using Quectel EC20 LTE module on the MYD-Y6ULX board. So, if the EC20 4G LTE module can meet your requirement, you can take it as a priority to save development time. Near the Mini PCIe interface, there is a standard SIM card interface.   There is one CSI interface, one expansion header and one Micro SD card interface near the Mini PCIe interface. Though the i.MX 6UL/6ULL processor can support up to 24-bit parallel camera interface, many signals have reused due to rich peripherals on MYD-Y6ULX board, so the CSI interface on MYD-Y6ULX is an 8-bit parallel camera interface. The expansion header can support 12 GPIOs at most to bring out I2C, UART, SPI, etc. There are two USB Host ports, Reset/Power/User buttons and one 3-pin debug header on the MYD-Y6ULX board. The i.MX 6UL/6ULL processor has two USB controllers, both of which can support USB OTG function. One MYIR’s MYD-Y6ULX board, one USB has brought out through Micro USB interface and can support OTG; another USB has extended 4 USB Host through SMSC USB2514BI-AEZ USB Hub chip, of the four USB Host, two are used as USB Host ports, one is used for 4G LTE module and the rest one is not used.   The MYD-Y6ULX base board is designed to be powered by DC 12V through a jack, and the internal power management circuit on-board supplies 5V, ISO 5V, 3.8V, 3.3V, 1.8V, 3V (RTC) voltage for the board. The part TLV62130 DC/DC convertor is selected to use for 12V to 5V and 12V to 3.8V conversions, supporting 3A output currency at the most. The DC/DC convertor can increase the power efficiency and reduce power consumption of the board. The part RT9018 is used as LDO regulator for 5V to 3.3V and 3.3V to 1.8V conversions. The LDO regulator can provide smaller power ripple than the DC/DC convertor. The RTC battery input is an optional input. When the system is powered down, if the RTC does not need to work, it is not require to provide this power rail.  
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TensorFlow  Provides a very simple ML  by Java Script. It is easy to have the environment to see it demo. This document is to introduce it. The formula to get the training data We have a formula   Y = 2X – 1 to get the training data       example:  let x=-1 then  Y = 2*-1 – 1 = -2 – 1 = -3         x = { -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}    y =  {-3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7} Build up a very simple network model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [1]})); This network will get training and predict the result for Y = 2X – 1 Should remind you here is the Machine do NOT know about the formula. It cannot calculate like us. The complete code <html>     <head>     <!-- Load TensorFlow.js -->     <!-- Get latest version at https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs -->     <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs@0.11.2">       </script>     </head>     <body>         <div id="output_field"></div>         <div id="output_field1"></div>           </body>     <script>     async function learnLinear(){       const model = tf.sequential();       model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: 1, inputShape: [1]}));       model.compile({         loss: 'meanSquaredError',         optimizer: 'sgd'     });        const xs = tf.tensor2d([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3,4], [6, 1]);      const ys = tf.tensor2d([-3, -1, 1, 3, 5,7], [6, 1]);        await model.fit(xs, ys, {epochs: 500});        document.getElementById('output_field').innerText =       model.predict(tf.tensor2d([10], [1, 1]));         }     learnLinear();     </script> <html> Adjust the training to see what happen We will go to change the following code to adjust the training, then let machine tell the result for  X = 10 to see if the training result  is different or not. The result by calculation is Y = 2X – 1 = 2X10 -1 = 19 await model.fit(xs, ys, {epochs: 10}); We will try 10, 100,   500  and 1500. The result summary Y = 2X – 1 = 2X10 -1 = 19 10       : 13.9085026,   10.9296398,  13.0426989,  12.0150528, 7.4879761 100      : 18.0845203, 17.7116661, 17.9885635, 17.9806786, 18.2209091 500      : 18.9848061, 18.983654, 18.9877472, 18.9812298, 18.9825478 1500     : 18.9999866, 18.9999866, 18.9999866, 18.9999866, 18.999986 With 1500 training, the machine can predict the result very closely. But it cannot reach the correct result 19. Because the machine doesn’t know about the formula Y = 2X - 1
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